Join The Club

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Poppy: She's spending too much time with the yaks! 🤭

Viva: I know, right?!

Branch: Oh come on, you guys are at it again?! 😐

Floyd: What? *has MLP slippers and pillow*

Poppy: Come sit, Branch! 😁

Branch: Why...? 🤨

Viva: 'Cause it's fun! 🤩

Poppy: You won't be sorry! 😁

Branch: 😑

Floyd: Please...? 🥺

Branch: ...Poppy, if you think I'm going to-

*time skip*

Branch: *sobs loudly* How could I be missing out on something so beautiful?!?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Floyd: *hands him a tissue* Here, blow

Branch: *blows his nose* 🤧

Poppy: You get used to it after a few episodes 😊

Viva: Hey man, join the club! *puts an MLP cap on his head*

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