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Tiny: Whoa whoa whoa, let me get this straight! 😑

Poppy: What? *puts storybook away*

Tiny: So this Alice you speak of, she fell down a hole, and instead of coming across a ton of bunnies, she found a whole new reality?!

Poppy: Yeah...? 🤨

Tiny: So if I were to jump down a rabbit hole, the same thing would happen?!

Poppy: Tiny, it's just a story...😥

Tiny: Yeah, I know it's a story, Aunt Poppy, and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! 😠

Poppy: 😰

Tiny: Even when Daddy reads them to me, I can't wrap my head around it, not even with those so-called fairies or sea Trolls! Aunt Poppy, what's the point of these stories if we can't even understand them?! 😡

Poppy: Why do I bother?! 😫😫😫😫😫😫

Trolls Out of ContextWhere stories live. Discover now