Claustrophobic 😵‍💫

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*Poppy and Branch both hear pounding coming from Branch's closet* 🚪

Branch: Did you hear something just now?

Poppy Uh huh...😰

Floyd: Help! Help!!! 😥😥😥😥

*Branch slowly opens his closet door and Floyd tumbles out hyperventilating*

Floyd: Thank you! 😫

Poppy: Floyd?! What happened?

Floyd: The door locked itself when I went in there! 😣

Poppy: And why were you in there?

Floyd: Well John told me to get Branch's...remote...

*everyone turns their heads to JD*

John Dory: What? Why's everyone looking at me? 🤨

Branch: You were using Floyd to get Gary, weren't you?! 😡

John Dory: ...Did that experience with Velvet and Veneer make you claustrophobic, Floyd? 😅

Floyd: ...I think I need a hug! 😭😭😭😭

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