chapter 2

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The next day At the Mystic grill

Elena sat at the table waiting for Bonnie to come

Elena was fidgeting with her necklace

Elena saw Bonnie and Meredith show up

Bonnie: Meredith wanted to see how you are doing.

Meredith: Elena are you sure your ok?

Elena: yeah I'm fine for the most part.

Bonnie: what happened yesterday?

Elena: when I got home Matt showed up. I ran up to my room and called Tyler. I went out the back door and walked to the boarding house. I was there for a bit. Then Matt decided to show up there and then I called Tyler to bring Ally with him. Tyler tackled Matt.

Meredith: yikes why will Matt not leave you alone Elena?

Bonnie: he will not leave her alone since he thinks they are soul mates. Elena does feel that way.

Elena: no only that I want some space since of what happened.

Bonnie: we get it Elena but are you going to be ok? 

Elena: I'm not sure what to feel now. I felt like blaming myself then Ally told me not to do that. Im not sure what to do anymore. I would like to know the guy who saved me. 

Bonnie: you don't remember anything else about him?

Elena: nope I just remember his green eyes that is it. There were the street lights that were on that is how I was able to see his eyes.

Meredith: so some mystery guys save you and then leave you there. Then Liz finds you?

Elena: yeah that is what happened

Bonnie: well you know no one in town has green eyes

Elena: I know.

Bonnie: have you told Jeremy about what happened?

Elena: he knows most of it but I think he is blaming me for our partner's death. I have been avoiding him

Matt saw them

Meredith saw Matt coming towards them

Meredith: we should be going

Elena saw Matt and froze

Meredith: Elena let go he will not start anything if we are walking

Bonnie noticed she zoned out

Bonnie: we have a problem.

Meredith: what?

Bonnie: Elena zoned out

Meredith: Call Ally or Jeremy then I will deal with Matt

Bonnie called ally

Over the phone

Bonnie hey Ally can you come to the grill Elena zoned out and Matt saw us Meredith is dealing with him I'm not sure what to do.

Ally dang it I'm on my way.

A few minutes later

Ally and James showed up

Ally: Elena?

Elena sat there and said nothing

Ally: dang it

Bonnie: what's wrong

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