Chapter 11

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   At the Gilbert's house

Zach: I'm staying here for a bit

Ally: ok well we want to talk to you

Jeremy: look we get why Elena had run but is there a higher risk of her emotions going all over now?

Zach: I only have some of the answers everyone wants me to have. I can call the witch and ask what else she knows some of this is up to Stefan and Damon as well. If they teach her the right way to deal with her emotions then we should be ok but if Damon oversteps then we are doomed. I would say Ally to be there but I'm not sure Elena is gonna do around humans yet.

Ally: can we wait until tomorrow to see her?

Jeremy: we kinda need to let Jenna talk to her. Tomorrow is a distraction but Jenna is fully determined to talk to Elena.

Zach: look I would have called Stefan to see what he thinks of this. The thing is that she might be able to now stand against Jenna. I don't think Jenna will be ready for it.

Ally: you are saying some people when they turn get more confident?

Zach: yeah and I think Elena is one of those people

Jeremy: we can have Jenna phone call her right?

Ally: Jenna is hell-bent on seeing elena in person

Zach: I have another crazy idea that will work

Jeremy: What is that?

Zach: Have Ally dress up as Elena

Ally: come again?

Zach: hear me out. We get Ally to look like elena. Jeremy, you have elena on your phone so she hears the questions Jenna wants to know the answers to. We place your phone down and elena can use another phone and text the answers to a phone.

Ally: will this work?

Zach: how good are you glancing down and up to read something?

Ally: somewhat decent?

Zach: there we go. We just have to nail down which phone to use for the texting.

Ally: mine she can text. Jeremy used my phone for the calling part.

Zach: let me call Stefan real quick to let him know this idea

Ally: one thing if I miss reading a work what do I do?

Jeremy: put a finger off to the side I will be on so I can distract Jenna real quick

Ally: that works

Over the phone

Zach, how are things?

Stefan is surprised ok I thought they would be worst but it's only been a day what's up

Zach Jenna is hell-bent on talking to Elena I came up with a plan I need you and Elena to be in the same room. Elena can text all the answers to the questions.

Stefan use my phone so we can hear the questions then?

Zach yeah we got the rest from here.

Stefan don't mess this plan up

Zach'm not just one thing i need an outfit of Elena for Ally to borrow

Stefan umm Damon can drop it off.

Zach thanks

Stefan you gonna have Ally wear a wig?

Zach yeah we got it all figured out just keep out of a call from Jeremy.

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