chapter 31

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Upstairs in Elena's room

Elena still is crying she went into her closet

Stefan went near the closet

Elena came out of the closet after she figured out who was in the room

Stefan just hugged her

Elena calmed down a bit

Stefan: I'm sure Jeremy and Tyler will get the keys back

Elena didn't say anything

In the car

Tyler: Jenna has the keys ally and care figured out she is going to use them to bring back

Jeremy: she can't do that if she does then again

Tyler: we got to stop her. We have to get the keys back not only for that reason but she might try and bring back Matt. That will mess with Elena

Jeremy: how did she find them?

Tyler showed Jeremy the pictures of the house he got from Caroline

Jeremy: she was that mad at Elena then

Tyler: do know where in Chicago she might be going to?

Jeremy: I do

Tyler: got it let me call my mom so we can get a flight

Jeremy: ok

At the Gilbert's house

Elena came down the stairs

Stefan came down right behind her

Elena: I was thinking we can make revelations on the house now

Ally: add more room?

Elena: yeah also need new windows and new furniture that is not wood

Damon: I will see if Zach knows someone who can do all that.

Elena: thanks I figured add more rooms for friends.

Caroline went over and hugged Elena

Caroline: house makeover then?

Elena: yes Caroline's house makeover.

Stefan: what are you going to do about the secret room?

Ally: block it off from people no duh

Damon: is that your plan then redo the whole house but block off that room?

Elena: unless you two have some better idea

Damon: nope

Caroline: did we find anything else about the room?

Ally looked at Elena

Ally sighed

Ally: before Meredith gave up on research about the keys she found that the room was a part of a cave back in the day that the town's people would put people like us in it.

Elena: we are not sure how my dad found out about it anything else bonnie and her grams are doing the best they can with research in spell books

Caroline: would it say in his journals?

Elena: not the ones I read so far.

Stefan: it might be something in the ones that John gave you

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