chapter 4

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There was a knock at the door

Damon open it

Zach saw it was Tyler

Elena: Tyler what are you doing here

Tyler: Matt has lost it. We need to show him you have moved on it is the only way to get him to stop

Elena: well I have an idea

Tyler: Elena I was thinking me and you fake dating

Elena: can't do that to care you know that

Elena looked at Stefan

Tyler: who are these two?

Elena: these are Zach's nephews who came from out of town.

Tyler: so new idea fake date one of them so that Matt can stop

Elena: works for me.

Tyler: I would say tomorrow at the funeral is a good idea to start there with the idea due to the fact Matt's mom is a part of the founding family. You know he will show up tomorrow

Elena: I know but Tyler we got a bigger issue

Tyler: Ally and James issues?

Elena: not only that Jenna and Alaric broke up

Tyler: yikes

Elena: yeah tomorrow can make sure James doesn't show up I got a feeling he is up to something.

Tyler: yeah I can see what I can do

There was a knock at the door 

Damon opened the door

Tyler saw who it was

James: seriously elena you told her what happened

Elena: she needs to know and well I'm glad she broke up with you. You almost got her killed a few times.

Tyler tried to shove James out the door

Zah came out of his offices to see what all the yelling was about

Damon: you need to leave James

James didn't listen to Damon

Elena: say the rest of what you want to tell me.

James: just why did you have to tell her?

Elena: she needs to know she had no clue that you cheated on her and I was looking out for my sister.

Zach: James enough leave or I will call Liz on you

Damon shoved him out the door

James: this not over

Damon slammed the door in his face

Tyler: is there a back door I can take

Elena: yeah but I would wait it out a bit

Tyler: I knew you Caroline told me you were not home.

Elena: even with Alaric gone I'm not stable enough to be at home.

Tyler: I know

Damon: anyone else I need to shove out this door?

Tyler: not at the moment.

Elena: make sure he is gone tho if he shows up at my house then Jenna will call Liz

Tyler: Call Ally now to let her know

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