chapter 41

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At Caroline's house

Liz came into Caroline's room

Caroline: hi mom

Liz: hi how are you feeling?

Caroline: I feel grate

Liz: ok

Liz left and closed her door

Caroline called Elena

There was a knock at the door

Liz: Elena what are you doing here?

Elena: Caroline called me over to talk about something

Liz: oh ok

Elena went right into Caroline's room and closed the door behind her

Liz yelled: I'm off to work again

Liz left

Elena was quiet and waited for the front door to close

Caroline: the Bruges seemed like they were helping

Elena: well good news it worked

Caroline: grate what's wrong?

Elena: nothings wrong

Caroline: Elena I know you

Elena sighed

Elena: it's nothing I got to worry about anymore.

Caroline: ok well we can call Tyler

Elena: is he on the way over?

Caroline: no he helps his dad still

Elena: ok

Caroline: seriously what's wrong

Elena: nothing

There was a knock at the door

Elena: I got it

Elena went to open the door

Stefan: hi

Elena: I thought you were

Stefan: nope I decided to spend the whole day with my girlfriend

Elena: ok

They went back into Caroline's room

Elena: you let Tyler know yet?

Caroline: yeah I did. I'm happy to lose all this weight.

Elena: I bet

Caroline: well 10 Bruges worked.

Stefan: yikes

Caroline: no more Bruges  for me for a while

Elena laughed a bit

Tyler showed

Caroline: it worked

Tyler: grate but we got to tell Liz you lost the baby and fake be sad now

Caroline: I know

Tyler: thanks Elena for the help

Caroline: thanks again Elena

Elena: no problem

Stefan: we should get going

Elena: I say wait for Liz to show up and tell her

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