chapter 3

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 At the Gilbert's house

Jeremy went to Elena's room and to get the suitcases to Ally doesn't have to do it tomorrow

Jenna carefully went up to her and Alaric room

Alaric: your back

Jenna: yeah I'm tired I'm going to go to bed

Alaric: well I'm leaving now i just finished packing my things

Alaric left without saying bye

Jeremy nock on the door of Jenna's room

Jeremy: Jenna you up?

Jenna: yeah

Jeremy: you want me to make sure Alaric took all of his stuff?

Jenna: tomorrow Jeremy it has been a long day

Jeremy: ok

Jeremy went back to his room and called Tyler.

Over the phone

Jeremey I'm going to be staying at home I think the girls still might leave not sure. Alaric is gone for good. Jenna broke up with him

Tyler wow is Elena ok?

Jeremy, she was upset when I left the house

Tyler ok

At the port

Alaric is trying to get into a fight in Chicago

Damon made his way past Alaric

Lady at the desk: how can I help you, sir

Alaric: I need a fight to Chicago

Damon walked down a little way to talk to someone to get a fight back home.

The lady at the desk is putting into the computer to see when the next fight is

Lady at the desk: there is no flight until tomorrow

Alaric: that works for me

The lady at the desk handed him the papers he needs

Damon got on the flight back home

At the boarding house

Zach: Stefan what your plan

Stefan: wait until tomorrow

Zach: I know you have a plan to meet Elena

Stefan: I was thinking of sitting outside of the door but then that would come off a bit weird.

Zach: if you want to meet her then let me talk to her for you

Stefan: but Zach she is upset still

Zach: I know she upset

Stefan: not what I mean she is up crying right now Ally is sleeping

Zach: yikes we got to do something then

Stefan: well I would say for me to talk to her but she would freak out and be scared

Zach: that means I got to talk to her

Stefan: Zach but you said it's not going to work

Zach: we got to do something or she will be up all night

Stefan: well what is her favorite show I can put it on my laptop

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