chapter 33

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At the boarding house

Tyler: crap Caroline  at the dorm still

Stefan: we will be fine now thanks for the ride back tho

Tyler: no problem

Tyler left 

Elena wakes up

Elena: what happend?

Stefan: you blackout because both of anger got you

Elena: I shot Jake

Stefan: yeah you did no worries he is dead now

Elena: oh my gosh were spouse to go Bonnie's

Stefan: we can tell her tomorrow what happend

Elena: ok

Ally and Damon come back

Ally: Caroline is at home safe i gave her and Tyler a ride home.

Elena: ok thanks

Ally: Elena I knew what Damon was talking about he told me if Stefan wanted to beat someone up for you he would go to make sure nothing bad happened. Well, this time they were stupid and didn't cheat per se.

Stefan: not our fault this guy was a crazy person. We wanted to play it safe and not cheat because of that

Damon: plus we didn't know if the guy was a hunter or not.

Ally: why did he hurt you, Damon?

Damon: oh that jerk thought I was dating Elena.

Elena: what?

Stefan: yeah Jake thought you were dating Damon. When he asked what one of us we kept quiet. I knew if I got hurt you would feel it.

Elena: but why on earth did he think I was dating Damon?

Stefan: Jake was babbling on and on about how Damon and he look like a bit

Damon: I'm way better looking at them anyway

Ally: your not wrong Damon

Damon: I kinda drain him for you two

Ally: well I helped

Stefan: Damon?

Damon: I will make sure she is ok tomorrow

Stefan: fine

Elena: wait a minute you two wanted us to drink blood bags so we didn't end up like Stefan?

Damon: ops

Stefan: more my worries than Damon's

Stefan showed Elena a memory

Elena had no words

Stefan: see what I mean by that would be my worst fear for the two of you 

Elena: yeah but how?

Stefan: Lexi helped a lot when it would happen 

Elena: was that you scared when I shut my emotions off 

Stefan: yeah that is what I was scared of but I also had hoped you wouldn't 

 Elena: you knew it was bound to happen?

Stefan: yeah there is a clue I picked up on

Elena: oh

Stefan: yeah let's get some sleep and hear about Tyler's theory on why we both froze tomorrow and see Bonnie on the news she has.

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