chapter 8

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 The next day at Gilbert's house

Everyone heads down the stairs and sees Jenna making breakfast

Jenna: look who is up

Elena: yeah we were up late talking

Ally: up late packing even tho graduation day is tomorrow

Jenna: I know

There was a knock on the door

Jenna: I got you to eat

Jenna opened the door and saw it was Tyler

Tyler: Elena Matt has lost it he now is super jealous.

Elena: what do we do?

Tyler: I say the fake death idea or talk to him about the idea

Elena: I vote the talk to him about the idea

Stefan: Elena I can't go with you tho

Elena: I will be Tyler I will be safe

Stefan: but if something happens

Elena: Stefan I love you but you don't need to worry I'm just gonna talk to Matt. If he gets out of hand Tyler will deal with and if he tries to hurt me again then Tyler will stop him. I will call as im leaving ok

Stefan: fine but if the other things happen

Elena: it will only be for a minute or two if that

Ally: Stefan you need not worry she will be fine Tyler has dealt with Matt for a while. He saved Elena one time.

Tyler: Elena we got to go now and it's before he goes on a mad hunt for you again

Elena kissed Stefan and left

Outside the house

Tyler: so you and Stefan then?

Elena: we are for together

Tyler: I figured that since you said that you love him

Elena: yeah well let's go before he comes after us

Tyler: one problem  I walked here

Elena: let's take my car then

They left to go to Matt's house

Damon: Stefan what was with telling her about what you talked about last night

Stefan: not right now with that Damon

Ally: what did you talk about last night?

Damon: umm

Stefan: Damon don't you dare

Jeremy: you got me wondering now

Damon: Elena asked a question about how to turn into a vampire

Stefan: Damon it's like you wanted to say right away

Ally: now she knows how to turn into a vampire?

Stefan: she asked me because she was curious about it and I'm not gonna hide anything like that from her. 

Ally: why would she want to know that?

Stefan: she wanted to know in case the issues she has will affect her after she turns. The only one I'm not sure is about seeing the future. When her emotions get the best of her and she gets sick that will not happen.

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