chapter 39

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Damon and Stefan both walked back into the house

Elena walks over to Stefan

Elena: you going to be ok now?

Stefan: can we talk

Elena: yeah sure

Stefan: outside

Elena followed Stefan outside


Stefan: the reason for the nightmare was because of one of Jenna's plans. Well, one of her plans was to get you mad then when you yelled at her she was going to take your ring off. As I would try to help you she somehow manages to get mine off. Elena im scared that could happen not just from her.

Elena: Stefan that's not going to happen. No one else in town knows besides Zach and Liz but they want to help us out not make it harder for us. Well, everyone in the house knows but they would do that to use. Caroline and Bonnie count me as their sister. Jeremy and Tyler count you and damon as brothers. No one else knows. Jenna is gone for good. She didn't fake us out. She would have called Jeremy by now. She has not called him.

Stefan: but still it could happen tho

Elena: Stefan there no one else who knows are secret. The people who do want to keep us safe. I get you scared it could happen im telling you it's not likely to happen now.

Stefan stood there

Elena: I know things have been constantly crazy. Now we dealt with all of the crazy. We can finally be normal sorta.

Stefan: I guess you're right

Elena: Stefan everyone in the house is worried about. I am for sure.  it's going to take a bit of time but if need someone to talk you know me and damon are here for you always.

Stefan hug elena

Elena: I was thinking we could go to school tomorrow

Stefan: sounds like an idea to me but don't we have to change your school contact information now?

Elena: crap I forgot about that.

They head back inside

When they got inside Liz was at the house

Caroline looked at Elena upset

Tyler was in another part of the house

Elena: what happend?

Caroline ran to her room

Damon walked over to them

Damon: Liz didn't want it to happen

Elena knew what Damon was talking

Elena: But does Liz know she is?

Damon: no Tyler is held up in the gaming room. he is upset by it.

Elena: I will talk to Care and maybe her mom.

Stefan: I will talk to Tyler

Elena went into Caroline's room

 in Caroline's room. 

Caroline: how could she say no

Elena: hey care

Caroline: Damon fill you in?

Elena: just a few words but I figured it out

Bonnie came into the room as well

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