chapter 36

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Stefan and Elena walk into the town hall

Inside the town hall

Elena found Ally and the others

Elena: sorry we are late

Damon: no need I get it

Elena: ok

Ally: Elena you ok?

Elena: yeah once we get this done and over with

Liz: ok I know all you know Matt is dead. He was found inside his home. There were bit marks on his neck. I was thinking a raccoon came inside his home and attacked him.

Richard: a raccoon tends to stay outside

Liz: Matt might have stepped outside of his house because he heard a noise. Im telling you the town is safe. Nothing bad is going to happend to us. It was just a freak raccoon attack that happend. I wanted to let you all know what truly happened.

Logan: explain to us then what happened to Alaric.

Liz: Alaric he killed himself. He was mad at the fact he messed up his relationship with Jenna.

Richard: are they going to do anything at the school for Matt?

Liz: yeah tomorrow there will be a moment of silence. Also, no one is allowed to wear his jersey number. They will put it in a display case. Any more questions?

The room went quiet

Richard: can we go home now?

Liz: yeah

Ally saw Elena and knew Elena started to feel bad for what she did.

Stefan could the guilt from Elena

Tyler: I got to help my dad get home but Liz wants all of us at the boarding house.

Caroline: be safe

Tyler: I will

Elena ran out of the town hall

Stefan ran after her

In one of Elena's hiding spots that was nearby

Elena sat down on the ground put her legs up to her chest and started crying

in town hall

Ally: oh no

Damon: should we help?

Ally: the guilt got to her finally

Jeremy: he might need help

Ally: I got it there is a spot not that far from here she is probably at

Jeremy: we will meet back then?

Ally: yeah

Ally left

Damon and Jeremy left

In one of Elena Hidden's spots nearby

Stefan: elena?

Elena was still crying

Stefan sat next to her

Elena looked over and saw Stefan

Elena: I just can't the guilt is getting to me. I cant

Stefan: yes you can it will get better I promise. Think about the good thing about to happen. We are close to being done with the house for our friends. We are close to having a prom. Graduation day as well. There are good moments we just have to make them.

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