chapter 35

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Stefan finally got the list from Ally to go looking for Elena.

Tyler called him

Over the phone

Tyler I found her

Stefan where at?

Tyler she waited for you to leave to go looking for then went into the cell

Stefan, why did she do that?

Tyler no clue i cheek down here.

Stefan, I'm on my way then

At the boarding house in the basement

Elena: so he told what Bonnie said?

Tyler: I was outside the house when she said it

Elena: oh

Tyler: yeah Elena I don't think you have changed that much since you became Vampier. Yeah, the no emotions you were a bit scary other than you are still my best friend who does anything for me. Yeah might have your moment when we are not thinking clearly but we all have those. Monday was just one of those moments.

Elena: Bonnie tries to blame me for her having fun with drinking.

Tyler: Well with that I'm not sure what the deal was about she knows you were trying to have fun but she also knew you were avoiding someone. She went along with your plan to help you feel better.

Elena: do you think I should talk to her?

Tyler:  talk to Stefan first then Bonnie. he is worried about you. this is not something you would do. 

Elena: I know but it's just I need time to think about what she said tho 

Tyler: no I get it Elena but pushing people away is not ok anymore. 

Elena: I know but it's just I need time to be left alone 

Tyler: Elena you know darn well that is always a bad idea Remember the last time we left you alone to think? 

Elena: that was completely different Tyler. that was about something else. this was something simple. 

Elena and Tyler got out of the cell

Stefan came vamp seed down to the basement

Stefan: Elena what were thinking?

Elena: sorry I know you didn't know how to answer my question but I wanted to be left alone to think.

Stefan: I was worried about you.

Elena: I'm sorry

Stefan: I'm glad you're safe that all

Tyler: I'm going back to talk to Caroline

Elena: fill us in later

Tyler: alright

Tyler left

Stefan: you ok now?

Elena: yeah still a bit confused as to why Bonnie blamed me for the girl's weekend

Stefan: she probably was worried about what could have happened to her or you. Without a guy around.

Elena: I don't think it was that. She doesn't like to have a lot of guys around, to begin with.

Stefan: really?

Elena: yeah she adjusting to having four guys around her now. Instead of two.

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