chapter 27

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At the boarding house

Stefan felt his phone go off

Damon: let me guess Elena texted you finally?

Stefan: yeah

Damon: what happened this morning?

Tyler: they kissed

Damon: what?

Stefan: well I kissed her first then we talked for a minute then she kissed me I kissed her back then Caroline showed up. They left

Damon: well that shows she still loves you

Stefan: well it could have happend since she feels part of what I feel. She could have been acting on that

Tyler: no she kissed you because she loves you

Damon: I take tiler side

Stefan: why is making it weird between us?

Tyler: still adjusting ring a bell. You said it takes time right well give her time. She will come around right now she wants to be there for her friends so let her. She doesn't mean to push you away even tho right now it may seem like it. But she wants to make sure her friends are okay and then get around to other people who matter to her.

Stefan: ok has done something like this before?

Tyler: yeah when her Matt got into the big fights she would do this.

Stefan: so give her time and space then?

Tyler: yeah but make sure she doesn't push you away.

Stefan: well how can she when she feels part of what I feel

Tyler: she has her ways

Stefan: but now it's a bit different

Tyler: I know I'm sure the girls are talking about changing her way of going about this

Stefan: why would that do that?

Tyler: let's see Bonnie is a witch she can pick up on other people's emotions dead or alive. Caroline wants the weirdness between the two of them fixed so she can plan the double date idea she has. They care about her but they want her to be happy and right she is so forced on them and not herself or fixing things with you. We all see we just have different ways of telling Elena.

Stefan: Thanks

At the lake house

Caroline: I'm going to be blunt for once Elena stop worrying about what going on with us and fix things with Stefan. We know you want to but you are back to your old methods of when you and Matt would end up in a big fight. We get it but as your friends, we want to be happy. We all three want you to fix things with Stefan. We get it weird right now since you're still adjusting to having emotions again and feeling new emotions at the same time. But Elena we want you to be happy.

Elena was shock

Bonnie: Elena?

Elena: I'm just in shock. But how do I fix things?

Caroline: go on a date maybe that is not going to end up getting a phone call from my mother

Elena: I don't think we are ready for that idea.

Bonnie: sitting and talking?

Elena: that might work. I just need to figure out what else to do really. There is so much I want to say but I never have the time to say it because something always happened or someone is always coming over. Then there is me yelling at Jenna

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