chapter 14

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Fourth of July at the boarding house

Elena gets up out of bed and heads down to the basement

Stefan wakes up to find Elena

Elena: hi

Stefan: hi you ready for today?

Elena: more than ready

Elena and Stefan leave the house

At the Gilbert's house

Ally: Jenna you all good to go to the Lockwoods?

Jenna: yeah

As soon as they walked out the door Damon showed up

Damon: I'm sorry where are you going somewhere?

Ally: off to the Lockwood's house for the party there.

Damon: can I join you then

Ally: sure

At the Lockwood

Ally got out of the car and Meredith rushed over to her

Meredith: there you are

Ally: what's wrong

Meredith: we have an issue with Alice

Ally: what do you mean

Meredith: she told me the real reason why she wants to be at your house

Ally: what is the real reason?

Meredith: think about it

Damon: oh no

Ally: what

Damon: she wants my brother and she thinks that by being at your house she will get him

Meredith: wow he quack

Ally: grate

Damon: well she is not going to get my bother

Ally: how do you know that?

Meredith: Elena stands in the way

Damon: not only that

Ally: so we don't need to worry

Damon: crap I got to run back to the house

Ally: ok?

Damon left to get the small cooler bag out of elena closet and ran it back to the boarding house.

Meredith: well let's put are fake smiles on and talk to her

Ally: I got to warn Elena

Meredith: later

At the waterfall

Elena: wow this place is amazing

Stefan: yeah let's head to the top for a better view

Elena: we are walking up to the top?

Stefan: yeah there is a way better view up there

Elena: ok

Stefan: about the kiss at the graduation party what was that about?

Elena: Alice was trying to flirt with you i got a bit jealous so I came over to kiss you to make her go away and it worked.

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