chapter 45

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Outside of the school

Elena: you ok?

Stefan: yeah not there yet

Elena: no I get it we can try in a few days

Stefan: yeah that might be better

Inside the school in the hallway

Caroline: Bonnie what with the face?

Bonnie: they were here.

Caroline: no way?

Bonnie: yeah I saw them.

Caroline: you got to be kidding me Elena has lost it then?

Bonnie: not sure

Tyler saw them

Tyler: what's wrong

Bonnie: is elena ok?

Tyler: yeah why?

Bonnie: she texted the one group saying her emotions got the best of her. She was in first class and then dipped on us

Tyler: oh

Bonnie: spill you know something

Tyler: I'm sorry Bonnie but it keeps you safe and not worried can't say

Bonnie: if I call Ally will she know?

Tyler: nope

Caroline: I'm calling Damon then

Tyler: fine they know what's going on. They are not allowed to say as well.

Bonnie: something with Stefan?

Tyler sighed

Tyler: Since your grams did the spell he has been trying to keep it together from going ripper him. he can't be near us right now. they showed up to see if he could handle school.

Bonnie: I thought I was tripping

Caroline: I had no clue they were here

Tyler: I knew they were here.

Caroline: Elena told her plan?

Tyler stayed quiet

Bonnie: of course she would do that

Tyler: she knows I'm going to keep you two from going after them and to keep you two safe if things go bad.

Bonnie: why would she think we would go after her?

Tyler: she knows you two and no care they didn't do that

Caroline: what

Tyler: never mind

Bonnie: care you were thinking something

Caroline: oh I mean they could but have said anything

Bonnie: I need to talk to Tyler real quick about something

Caroline: I'm off to class

Caroline left

Bonnie: Are you feeling back?

Tyler: dang it you figured it out

Bonnie: but she is with

Tyler: I know with the wedding up in the air now

Bonnie: I can help with the guest list

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