chapter 26

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Stefan texts Bonnie to her know

Over the phone with Tyler

Stefan I need some help her emotions are back on but she is upset and hurting. I kissed Lexi in front of her to get her emotions back on. I did it because I got tired of feeling emptiness and nothing. I keep on feeling that then I would hurt my emotions I did it so don't shut my emotions off. She is mad and upset at me. She compared me to Matt.

Tyler well I can see what I can do but there is no promise I can fix this for you.

Stefan just get not super upset I can hand her from there hopefully if she wants to talk to me

Tyler she said she doesn't want to talk to you ever again.

Stefan yep

Tyler dang it you messed up

Stefan tell me something I don't know

Tyler I can see what I can do but she might go back to no emotions at this point.

Stefan grate not again

Tyler let's see what I can do is she out of the cell?

Stefan nope she has not stepped foot out of it I even went in it to try to talk to her

Tyler I'm on my way

In the basement

Elena walked out of the cell to get a blood bag then she walked right back into the cell


There was a knock at the door

Zach opened the door

Tyler: I'm here

Stefan came downstairs

Stefan: glad you could make it on such short notice 


Stefan showed Tyler down to the basement where the cell was

Tyler: elena?

Elena: Tyler make him go away

Stefan just left

Tyler: you want to talk about what happend?

Elena: yeah I was down here with no emotions then Stefan and Lexi came down here and I thought they were gonna convince me to turn it on but no Stefan point-blank kisses Lexi right in front of me. I got mad and then I screamed and turned my emotions back on and yelled at him. Also compared him to Matt. Oh, my gosh, Matt. I killed Matt

Tyler: Elena it ok

Elena: I'm sorry I killed your best friend

Tyler: I'm not mad I get why it happend even you with no emotions made a good choice.

Elena: but still why would Stefan kiss Lexi like that?

Tyler: he did it to get your emotions back on he knew you might feel jealous or mad

Elena: I was mad for sure

Tyler: see your emotions are back on now

Elena: but still it does make things right

Tyler: he also did it so could help you and not go ripper him. He told me that you had no emotions when he would come down here to cheek on you all he would feel was emptiness. he knew if he kept feeling that he would want to shut his emotions off then there really would be no one to help you. He did all this because he loves you. He knows he messed up but you got your emotions back on.

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