chapter 28

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 At the lake house the next day

Elena: how are you feeling care?

Caroline: When did Tyler and Stefan show up?

Elena: yikes you were that gone after one bottle?

Caroline: I must have been

Tyler: no worries nothing bad happened this time around.

Caroline: who called you two to come over?

Elena: ops

Caroline: well I did warn them

Elena: you did?

Tyler: yeah after you and Bonnie left do some research.

Caroline: ops

Elena: it's okay care I didn't know that someone told them

Caroline: yeah I figured you are playing on coming here to get super drunk. I was not wrong.

Elena: no you were not wrong

Bonnie: let's get going.

Stefan: Elena are you sure going to be able to drive the girls back home?

Elena: yeah I will be fine I didn't drink anything today so I'm all good

Stefan: ok

They got into the cars and left

In carolines car

Elena: before you ask Care I called Stefan after my fifth bottle. I was super drunk.

Bonnie: the boys were planning on drinking at a college party but it got canceled. Tyler's smart idea to attempt to fix things was to bring Stefan and himself to us.

Elena: did one of them let you know they were coming, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Tyler text me

Elena: go figured

In Tyler's car

Stefan: thanks for switching ideas

Tyler: how did you know I did it for you and her?

Stefan: I knew you wanted to see if could out-drink you so bad But when Elena called me. You figured that we should crash girls' weekend. For Elena to maybe come around to talk to me.

Tyler: what are you a mind reader or something

Stefan: no I just a guess

Tyler: yeah that's why I did it to help you two out

Stefan: thanks for that

At the Gilbert's house

Ally: I'm here as I got your message, Jeremy

Jeremy: you might want to sit down

Ally: what happened for one

Jeremy: well yesterday Jenna kept calling Elena wanting answers about Matt. Stefan and Elena came here and answered her questions. Well more me and Stefan did. Jenna realizes that she caused Elena to shut her emotions off. So Jenna now has decided to move out of town. She will send me money for the house.

Ally: I heard John escaped yesterday.

Jeremy: yeah Elena was talking to Jenna me and Stefan noticed he was close to coming into the house. They went down to the room that messes with them.

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