chapter 30

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Elena and Stefan rush to the boarding house

At the boarding house

Jenna: Elena just the person I was looking for

Elena: Jenna?

Jenna: it's me I'm not possessed

Elena: Are you sure?

Bonnie: I don't feel anyone here so it's all good but she is super mad 

Elena froze

Jenna: elena?

Elena knew why she was there

Tyler: earth to Elena

Stefan: elena?

Tyler got in her head to show her good memories

Elena: ugh not again

Stefan: Elena you ok?

Elena: I will be

Jenna: I want to know the answer to my last question

Elena: I want to know why you want to know so bad it is none of your business how I got my emotions back.

Jenna stood there in shock

Jenna tried to go near Stefan

Elena step in her

Elena: you will not hurt everyone in this house they all know what happened but they are not telling because you don't need to know.

Jenna: how did you know I was

Elena: I know you by now so stop it go back home and pack and leave town to get better. So please help me I will say the other things I wanted to say a while ago. And those are a bit worse than what you found out

Ally rushed over to her

Jenna back up

Elena fell down

Stefan caught her

Damon: is she ok?

Stefan: I am not sure

Stefan took Elena upstairs

Ally: I would do as Elena said.

Jenna stormed  off even mad

Ally: dang it Elena

Damon: what's wrong

Ally: When Elena's rage builds up it puts her to sleep for a few hours sometimes a whole day. I thought this wouldn't happend

Damon: she will be fine tho?

Ally: yeah someone has to be with her

Tyler: are good to come out now?

Ally: yeah

Bonnie: I'm gonna head home

Bonnie left

Caroline: well then was inserting

Tyler: I'm just happy I was able to pull Elena out

Ally: me too

Damon: well who wants to go cheek on Jenna?

Ally: not it

Up in Stefan's room

Stefan: elena?

Elena wakes up

Elena: what happend?

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