chapter 15

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 It is finally move-in day for all college students.

The Gilbert's house

Ally: I hope I didn't forget anything

Damon: I don't think you did. If you do I can bring with with me.

Ally: ok thanks

Jenna: we're all set to go?

Jeremy: yeah let me load the last bit into my truck.

Ally: thanks for helping me get it all up there in three different cars

Jenna: no problem. I wish Elena was here

They all got into their cars and left for Whitemore

At Whitemore

Ally was the first one there. She found the place she needed to check in. The guide showed her room. Ally knew Meredith was coming tomorrow.

Damon: need help setting up?

Ally: yeah let's get all the stuff in here first then set up

Damon: do know what bed Meredith will pick

Ally: she doesn't want to be by the door she likes the one by the window

Damon: got it

Ally: why didn't you get a dorm?

Damon: I don't need one

Ally: what would happen if you wanted to get away from our sibling

Damon: they will be in school for eight hours of the day. I will enjoy my pice and quiet there and come here. By the time I get back to the house, they will probably be sleeping

Ally: ok

Jeremy: is the last of it?

Jenna: it should be the last of it.

Jeremy: family hug

They all three hugged

Jenna and Jeremy left

Ally: have you talked Stefan yet about your plan on how to handle college and being at home?

Damon: no

Ally: you should

Ally and damon got to unpacking

At the boarding house

Elena: I text Ally saying we are coming by later tonight. I figured she was all freaked out about unpacking.

Stefan: ok.

There was a knock at the door

Elena ran upstairs

Stefan opened it

Tyler: I'm sorry to show up like this but I need to talk to elena

Elena came down the stairs

Elena: what's up

Tyler: I want to break up with Caroline

Elena: but then Alice and Bella will try to date you

Tyler: right now I rather be single and deal with being a werewolf on my own.

Elena: ok Tyler if you do that she will want to see me

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