chapter 29

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Elena: there is so much I need to do

Ally: first we don't calm down

Elena: Fine

At the boarding house

There was a knock at the door

Damon opened the door

Jeremy: I'm making sure everyone is ready for today.

Damon: almost everyone here is

Jeremy: I got good news but it has to wait until later

Tyler: do tell

Jeremy: not now where is Stefan?

Damon: bedroom still

Damon went to see if Stefan was up

up in Stefan's room 

Stefan: geez Damon you scared the crap out of me

Damon: sorry Jeremy is here to make sure everyone is up and somewhat ready

Stefan: what's the good news about it?

Damon: no clue

They head downstairs


Jeremy: I'm off to Bonnie and then Care's house we will meet you all back here.

Tyler: got it

Stefan: woah that news

Damon: what's the news?

Stefan: you know what never mind

Damon: Are you sure?

Stefan: yeah it's something Elena is feeling It's super nevus

Damon: can't blame her. I mean she is getting questioned by her aunt who has a lot of issues.

Stefan: no I get it

Tyler: I'm off to get care of Jeremy and Bonnie should be here soon

Damon: what about the sisters?

Tyler: not sure

Damon: I'm gonna call an ally

Over the phone with ally

Ally, we are slowly making our way Elena is freaking out already

Damon ok do need us to help?

Ally, I should be fine if not I will call

Damon ok bye

In Ally's dorm

Elena: I think I'm ok

Ally: Are you sure?

Elena: one more blood bag then will be fine

Ally: Elena no more we go to go like now everyone is waiting on us

Elena: can drink in the car?

Ally: fine let go

They walk out the door to the parking lot to Ally's car and head off to the boarding house

Tyler and Care make it to the house so do Jeremy and Bonnie

at the boarding house 

Jeremy: we are just waiting on my sisters then we can go

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