chapter 38

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Stefan and Bonnie head back into the house

Elena: anything you would like to share?

Stefan: Oh fine I had Bonnie try to find a spell she could to keep Jenna from entering different houses to keep us safe. I also knew more than how Jenna was going to do her plan. There is a sight chance only two of them she would been able to pull off. I didn't want to risk it.

Bonnie: we are doing it keep you safe Elena. We can't lose you. If we do then all of us in this house become a hot mess. There is a chance Damon and Ally both would flip their switches. Damon would probably be the new ripper. Ally well she would take after that. Jeremy would be so upset he would lock himself in a room somewhere. I would be too upset and maybe find a way to bring you two back. Caroline well she would lose it as well. Tyler would be so mad at himself for not being able to help.

Elena had no words

Stefan: Elena I'm sorry I kept it from you but I'm doing this to keep us safe you got to trust me on that

Elena still had no words

Caroline came up behind Elena

Caroline: Stefan she is too overwhelmed from hearing what Bonnie said.

Eleana fell Caroline caught her

Caroline: I got her.

Bonnie: I'm sorry but it is true. Some of them would happen

Caroline took Elena to her room

Damon: Stefan?

Stefan: I'm fine I should have told her inside to keep it from her. It's on me

Damon: you got this I'm sure will understand why.

Stefan: yeah

In Elena's room

Elena wakes up

Elena: care what happens?

Caroline: you got overwhelmed by what Bonnie told you. You fell and I about asked you something I brought you in here.

Elena: oh ok

Caroline: Bonnie is not wrong most of what she said would happen.

Elena: it's too much for me to hear about what would happen if were dead.

Caroline: I know but honestly all of it is true. We all would be a mess without the two of you.

Elena: I get it I'm like a sister you and Bonnie

Caroline: yeah you are. Stefan is like a bother Tyler and Jeremy.

Elena: I guess it's hard for me to hear what would happen

Caroline: no I get it but Elena Stefan is doing all of whatever has planned to keep you and him safe. He doesn't want to worry about it so much.

Elena: I know but

Stefan came up to the room

Stefan: but what?

Elena: I don't want to you worry as well.

Stefan: Elena I'm always going to worry about something like this. If I had chosen one of us to live I would choose you.

Elena: but it would be the same without.

Stefan: I know but Elena I have lived for 157 years. You barely have lived.

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