chapter 21

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Bonnie: Matt leave her alone she doesn't want to talk to you until after school ok

Matt: it was her and Stefan in the Impala this morning?

Elena could feel Stefan in the library

Elena: yeah it was Matt what the issue

Stefan came a bit closer

Matt: wow

Elena: I guess that means we can't be friends now since you figured out who it was

Matt: I wanted to start over

Elena: not what I want

Matt: why not

Elena: explain later

Bonnie saw Stefan

Matt walked out super mad

Elena ran off to another hiding spot

Stefan after her

Bonnie cashed after them

In the hallway, Elena started crying in the corner of the locker

Stefan: Elena?

Elena: ugh

Stefan walked carefully over to her

Stefan sat down next to her

Elena: I'm sorry

Stefan: don't be

Elena: I'm not ready for later now

Stefan: well we will be there for you

Elena: I don't want to go home to deal with John as well

Stefan: well we can go to the boarding house then

Elena: Jenna will lose it and tell John about us

Stefan: so what I'm not scared of him.

Elena: he is a hunter all off sort of thing

Stefan: so what?

Elena: he almost

Stefan: he almost killed who?

Elena: Tyler's family

Stefan: wow

Elena: yeah the Lockwoods want to ban him from coming here.

Stefan: why don't they

Elena: my dad told them not to and that he would take of John

Stefan: but

Elena: I know but we need things from John first then do that

Stefan: ok

Bonnie found them

Bonnie: I'm going to head back to class

Elena: ok

Bonnie left

Stefan: look I'm sorry you can feel my anger but I don't like the fact we have all of our classes with Matt

Elena: I know

Stefan: you want to skip the rest of the day?

Elena: can't start skipping until the end of the year

Stefan: fine but you need

Elena: I will be fine

Stefan: Elena you are not fine

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