chapter 42

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 At a hotel in New York

Elena: we made it

Stefan: just remember I love you

Elena: I know

They got into the room

Elena called Damon and told him what happend

Damon on my way

Stefan flipped his switch and ran off

Elena felt the emptiness

Elena texts Tyler her plan that she talked over with Stefan and her plan to get his emotions back

There was a knock at the door

Damon: were is he?

Elena: umm I sort of let him lose it.

Damon:  why would you do that he had hoped you would help him. 

Elena: I tried to help him but he was thinking about your idea and ran with it but chose when we got here to lose it

Damon: I'm off to go find him I will meet you at home

Elena: no let me help you find him. it's my fault I let it happen 

Damon: are sure you up for it?

Elena: yeah I'm up for it

Damon: let's go

A few hours later they find Stefan in an alleyway

Elena: Stefan?

She walked a bit closer to him

Stefan: go away Elena I don't need your help

Elena: come off Stefan don't be like that

Damon: Stefan I'm sorry it's my fault this happened

Stefan stood there

Elena got close and gave him some vervain

Damon: he will be ok

Elena: I know he told me what to do when he got like this

Damon: wow that's a first

Elena: I got a plan when we get home I need Tyler's help. I know the risk I'm taking with this idea

Damon: ok let's get him in my car.

Elena helps Damon get Stefan into the car

Damon: Thanks

Elena: I'm going to take his car back and pack are stuff up

Damon:  alright see you when get back

Elena called Tyler

Elena broke down crying

Tyler what's wrong

Elena, it happend. Stefan wanted to do Damon's plan and we faked and got into a fight about it right before Damon showed up. Damon is on his way back.

Tyler Elena you got to save him that's all it will take time for him to adjust maybe. Elena, he loves you no matter what.

Elena I know but I hate this feeling of emptiness

Tyler you want me to come up to meet you there

Elena no I got it I'm on the way back to the hotel

Tyler is sure

Elena yeah I will be fine

Tyler are you sure will be ok

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