chapter 22

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Stefan: well I was thinking we could go to see Lexie

Elena: like now?

Stefan: why not I mean you don't have to be home until tomorrow right?

Elena: yeah

Stefan: I figured we give Jeremy some time to figure out John's plan then we go from there

Elena: ok let's go

Stefan and Elena left the park and walked back to the boarding  house

At the boarding house

Damon: any news yet?

Elena: nope

Stefan: we are off to New York no worries we will be back for school tomorrow

Damon: I'm not worried about missing school

Ally: well Elena I did a thing?

Elena: what did you do?

Damon: she finally said she loves me

Both Elena and Stefan were in shock by the news

Elena: does that mean that you two are finally dating? 

Ally: yeah but we want to tell friends but they are working on keeping us safe at the moment.

Elena went over and hugged ally

Ally: I finally figured out that Damon is not like my ex

Elena: well we told you that but you chose not to listen to us

Ally: yeah I know

Elena: well did you know we can read the minds now?

Ally: come again?

Damon: ops

Ally: you could read my mind?

Damon: well I have already been in your mind at night remember

Ally: but I mean now?

Damon: yeah

Zach came out of his offices

Zach: well I forgot to tell you that you now can read and reach other minds. No Elena and Ally you two can't read each other minds.

Stefan: does that mean Damon now can read my mind?

Zach: no he can't

Stefan: thank goodness

Zach: I forgot to mention from what I found out that when you share memories you feel what the other person feels

Stefan: we found that out

Zach: well this is all new to the witch as well she has been trying her best to get the information for me.

Stefan: we know but anything else we need to know?

Zach: I have nothing else i thought you you guys figured out some more about this?

Elena: we are as lost as you are Zach.

Stefan: we should get going

Elena: ok

Stefan and Elena left

Damon: where did they go off to?

Ally: no clue

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