chapter 32

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Bonnie: I have not found anything yet I have still got a lot of books to look through.

Elena: well Ally and Stefan are reading the Lockwoods journals to see if we can find anything.

Bonnie: Tyler just hand them over to you?

Elena: yeah?

Bonnie: do you think?

Elena: no way he wants to prose to care

Bonnie: oh my gosh

Elena: he wants to talk to everyone one by one about it no he doesn't have the ring yet.

Bonnie: ok

Elena: I should get going before

There was a knock at the door

Bonnie opened it

Tyler: Bonnie I need to talk to you

Elena left

At the boarding house

Ally came downstairs

Ally: Elena you left your phone here

Elena: I know who needs me now.

Ally: Alice is on her way

Elena: oh I was just to go back to reading

Ally: not right now

Elena: but I need

Ally: I will talk to her for you in the meantime

Elena ran down the basement

Elena took a few sips of bourbon

Elena came back up to find Alice

Alice: Elena how are you?

Elena: I'm good

Alice: you missed a week of school I was worried

Elena: I'm better now I will be there on Monday

Alice: I was wondering when can we hang out

Stefan came down the stairs

Elena: I'm not sure Alice I have a lot going on right now

Alice: anything I can help with?

Elena: no

Alice: oh ok well text me when you are not busy

Elena: ok

Stefan came up behind Elena

Ally gave her a look

Elena turned around

Stefan moved out of her way

Elena: Ally is there a way we can get Alice to leave us alone for good?

Ally: I can talk to Bella to see

Elena: Thanks

Jeremy: Bonnie told me we are not cleaning tomorrow but didn't say why

Elena: umm

Ally: um

Stefan: I cleaned the house so we didn't have to do it tomorrow

Elena knew the real reason why he did it

Jeremy: oh ok they will be fixing the windows then?

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