chapter 37

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Elena got out of bed and went to get a drink

Elena: is that what has been off with you?

Stefan: yeah


Ally and Meredith show up

Ally: Were Elena?

Tyler: upstairs give her a minute or two

Ally: what's going on

Tyler: we will find out

Damon Jeremy and Zach show up

Damon goes near the ally

Damon: were siblings?

Ally: upstairs

Damon: stay here i got it

Damon went upstairs

Damon knocked on the door

Stefan: it took a long enough to figure it out 

Damon: I didn't know until not long ago. I and Zach were talking and Pisces it together. Jeremy found out not long ago from Jenna

Elena: Waite minute that might have been what your gut feeling was about Damon. That Jenna was up to something and you wanted to keep us safe from it.

Damon: yeah that makes sense now Elena as you mention it

Stefan: what is the plan now?

Damon: no clue i think might have come up with something hopefully

Elena: who else knows?

Damon: so far Stefan Jeremy Zach and maybe Tyler overheard. The other have no clue yet.

Elena: ok let's go downstairs

Stefan: Elena you going to be ok?

Elena: I think so

Stefan: ok

Damon left

Elena: I just need a minute

Stefan: no take all the time you need i get it

Elena sat on the bed 

Stefan: Elena you all good?

Elena: no I found out my aunt whats me and my boyfriend dead because can handle the fact she lost her sister.

Stefan: Elena we got to go downstairs

Elena: let's go but if they all come at me I'm hiding in the basement

Stefan: alright

Elena and Stefan head downstairs

Tyler goes near them

Stefan gave Tyler a head nod

Zach: I got you all here because well we found something. It has nothing to do with Liz. She is taking time off from work she is going to need time to process things if she reaches out to one of you asks you questions then answers and explains it the best you can to her. That's not why I got you all here. We found out some news of why Jenna is back in town. Well, she is still upset at the loss of her sister. She wants two people in this room dead I'm not saying who. We need to come up with a plan to keep them safe and away from Jenna at all costs.

Ally pulled Damon aside

Ally: its sibling?

Damon just nods his head

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