Chapter 12

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Elena: I say we tell Tyler. So he doesn't think something else is wrong with Stefan.

Ally: but what about you Elena as soon he goes near you he will be able to smell you out

Elena: I know but Ally he has kept that secret for years from everyone

Ally: yeah but he just told the whole friend group recently

Elena: I know but Ally we both know he is not gonna stop until he gets some answers.

Ally: are sure you want to do this?

Elena: we have no choice. He is gonna bug you until you tell him.

Ally: ok let me call him over here.

Stefan: I get why we have to do it but will he tell the others?

Elena: no he will not.

Ally: we trust him more than some of the others

Stefan: ok

There was a knock at the door

Elena ran up to her room

Tyler: what was with the cryptic text all

Stefan: hi Tyler

Elena came down the stairs.

Tyler: so you're not sick Elena?

Elena: I got some explaining to do

Tyler: what's going on?

Elena: look remember how when Stefan came to meet us in the woods and you smelled something off?

Tyler: yeah it smelled like something was dead.

Elena: do you smell that now?

Tyler: yeah I do it's coming from two different spots in the house

Elena: why don't we sit down

They all went into the living room

Tyler: what's going on?

Elena: so what happened was since I and Stefan are soul mates. It was messing with him and well my emotions did get the best of me. Well, I got sick. The only way to make me not sick is to become a vampire. Stefan is a vampire.

Tyler: Wait hold up now this whole time the brothers have been vampires?

Elena: yeah I'm a vampire now as well

Tyler: cool but that means you can't help find me anymore.

Elena: yeah I told Care some pointers on where to find you if you are not awake in time. That is why she was with us. I lied to her saying I was gonna get sick soon.

Tyler: look I'm not gonna tell the others but elena what about school?

Stefan: we got the summer to figure out a plan

Elena: Tyler I know you are not gonna tell the others

Tyler: I will lie to the others and say you are sick Elena

Stefan: it works

Tyler: so Stefan how long have been a vampire then?

Stefan: since 1864

Tyler: well dang

Elena: if you have any other questions just text me and I will have Stefan answer then.

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