Chapter 43

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 The next day at school

Elena and Stefan are ruining a late

Tyler sees them pulling up

Caroline: what's got them late?

Tyler: no clue.

The bell rings all the students go inside the school

Elena and Stefan make their way to the school

Elena: late again

Stefan: this time it's on you. You took a while to get ready

Elena: also, not my fault you didn't want to get out of bed this morning

Stefan sighed 

Stefan: fine it's on both of us 

They make it into the school

During the first class of the day, Elena tapped on Bonnie's shoulder to try to get her attention

Bonnie was to focus on the teacher

Caroline noticed Elena when they walked to second class

In the lunchroom

Bonnie found them a table

Elena saw them

Elena: hi

Bonnie: hi I didn't know you were coming to school today

Elena: no more craziness going on so

Tyler and Caroline find them

Caroline: Elena oh gosh you here

Elena: I'm at school sorry we ran late

Caroline: I was thinking today we do the double date.

Elena looked at Stefan

Stefan: I'm sorry Caroline but I got something planned after school

Caroline: oh ok

Bonnie: anyway Elena have looked over the list for the dorm yet?

Elena: woah there Bonnie we got all summer to plan that

Bonnie: I know but have you looked?

Elena sighed

Bonnie: sorry Elena I didn't mean it like that

Elena: no I have not Bonnie

Jane: can I sit with the guys

Caroline: sure Jane

Jane: Elena you here in school today

Elena: yeah I'm here I have a had lot of medical and family issues happen that kept me from coming to school

Jane sat next to Bonnie and Caroline

Elena felt a little bit upset

All her friends could tell she upset

The bell rings they go to class

Stefan text Tyler

Over text

Tyler i'm not sure what has got into the girls today is that not like them.

Stefan who is Jane and why did she sit with us?

Tyler Jane is Bonnie and Caroline's other friend but Jane usually sits with the other girls

Stefan Elena is upset and overwhelmed

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