chapter 1

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It has been a while and the brothers decide to come back to town. Stefan was trying to get away from Damon and well he knew it was a super bad idea to come back to Mystic Falls but he did it anyway. Stefan made it back to towns and well he was hungry. He went to the woods to get some animal blood he heard a car go off the wrickey bridge. He vamp seed to help the people in the car and he went to the dad but wanted Stefan to save his daughter that is in the back seat of the car. Stefan was able to save her. When they got out of the water Stefan saw her. Elena wakes up for a second

Elena: my hero

Then she passed out again

Stefan used his vamp speed to get back to the boarding house

At the boarding house

Zach: what happened?

Stefan walked up to his room

Zach follows him

Zach: what happens?

Stefan: Miranda and Grayson's car went off the wrickey bridge not too long ago. I was able to save one of them well Grayson wanted me to save his daughter.

Zach: do you know what caused the car to go over the bridge?

Stefan: no it was already in the water when I got there. I heard all of it but was not fast enough to save everyone.

Zach: is the daughter ok now

Stefan: yeah she is fine she called her hero and then passed out again

Zach: ok stay hidden for the next few days, please

At the Gilbert's house

There was a knock at the door

Jenna rushed down to open the door

Liz: hi Jenna I'm sorry to break the news to you but Merida and Grayson are dead Elena is alive she is in the hospital right now.

Jenna: what happens?

Liz: we are not sure we guessing the car went to Wicker Bridge. Elena somehow was able to get out of the car before it fully went under.

Jenna: ok

Ally: is Elena ok?

Liz: yeah Ally she is ok they are keeping her overnight at the hospital

Ally: I'm off to go see her

Jeremy: I'm coming with

Jenna: well thanks Liz

Ally: we should call Zach Mom and Dad said if anything happens to them to call him

Jeremy: on it

Over the phone with Zach

Jeremy, I'm sorry I know it's late but Mom and Dad are gone. Elena is at the hospital right now. We are off to go see her

Zach, I will meet you there

Jeremy,  ok I got a few other people to call

Zach  see you all in a few

At the boarding house

Zach: I'm off to the hospital to see how Elena is doing

Stefan: can I come?

Zach: Stefan you got to stay here no one knows about you yet

Stefan: I want to make sure she is ok

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