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lila's pov

i told eddie about my past with cash and billie, but i didn't tell him about how me and billie had a 'thing' going for awhile.

i just told him about how we got in an argument and haven't talked since.

he didn't ask about the argument because i think he knew not to.

i just don't want to tell a brand new talking stage about my very long obsession with a girl.

he drove me to the courthouse today though. id be lying if i said i wasn't scared out of my mind.

i told him the whole story about everything.

i completely ghosted billie for months, and im seeing her in approximately fifteen minutes.

do i feel bad? of course i do, but i don't want to hurt her more.

"so," eddie starts, "do you want me to watch the court case?"

i hesitate.


"you sure?"


he nods before shifting his attention back onto the road. we drive for a bit before we pull into a parking lot.

i recognize one car immediately.

the black dodge challenger.

i close my eyes and forget the memories with that car. eddie grabs my hand and we walk inside.

we are met with security and we throw our bags onto the conveyer and walk through the scanner.

no beeps which is good.

we grab our stuff back and he holds my hand as we enter the court room.

a/n: i have no idea how courts work, so im going off of what ive seen before and what ive heard so if this doesn't make sense im sorry

me and eddie walk in, hands tightly held. i see billie all the way in the back and try my best to not look at her. i know she sees me holding eddies hand, and i can't help but feel bad.

the judge is presented and everyone stands before sitting back down.

"mateo garcia, correct?"

i see cash flinch as well as me when i hear that name after so long.

"yes, your honor."

i close my eyes tightly. hearing his voice after so long isn't fun either.

"alright mr. garcia. you are being charged with one count of attempted second degree murder, one count of illegal drug use, and multiple counts of gang affiliation. what do you plead?"

he should be charged with way more.

"not guilty."

i let out a bit of a gasp and eddie grabs my hand.

"ok, well, we have mrs. lila gomez testifying today so would ms gomez please come up?"

i stand up and eddie does too. he looks at me and grabs both of my hands.

"you'll do amazing baby"

he gives me the sweetest smile and he kisses me on the forehead before sitting down, allowing me to move to the front.

god he's the sweetest. it's such a relief having a nice boy after so long.

someone comes out with a book.

"lila gomez, do you swear to tell the whole truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god?"

"i do." i say shakily. i'm not prepared for this

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