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a/n i'm literally skipping my spanish class to write this and i currently have ten minutes until my next class so wherever this goes, it's going.

billie's pov

i know i shouldn't, but i'm still worried about lila being anywhere but home. i guess my past experiences with gangs didn't really phase her, but with everything i know about them, eddie's connections could be in chicago right now.

as lila's out, i tidy up the room once more. she sloppily put the room back together after she destroyed it.

as im remaking the bed, i throw the sheets up to evenly put them on the corners, when i see a metallic thing fly from it.

out of instinct, i duck, but then i get up to see what flew out of the sheet.

and what do you know, its her vape.

i pick it up and look around quickly.

i go over to the window and chuck it out.

"not my girlfriend!" i yell out loud.

i continue cleaning the room and make a little piece of toast with avocado on it for myself. but by god im SO FUCKING BORED.

theres absolutely nothing to do in this fucking city besides look out the window at the snow.

i decide ill just call fin, he's probably not doing anything that important.

the line rings for a minute before i hear him answer.

"fin how are you?"

"uhh im good b, why what's up?"

"nothings up im just bored as fuck."

"potential lyrics right there."

"oh shut up!"

"alright so, nothings up, im bored as fuck, can you just shut up-"

"oh my god stop."

"ok ok," he laughs.

"so, have you made any progress in your goal to get eddie arrested?" i ask.

"yeah actually, the police found one of the gang members and he snitched on all of them pretty easily. you could be coming home soon bil!"

"oh shit actually??" i stand up in excitement.

"yes, dean still talks to me and hes giving me updates."

holy shit its been awhile since i heard that name.

"how is dean, by the way?" i ask, sitting back down.

"why, you miss him?"

"noo i just was asking."

"whatever you say, but yeah he's good."

we sit in silence for a sec.

"how's lila?" he asks.

"you mean my girlfriend?" i squeal.

"oh my god!!" he giggles with me over the phone like we're little kids.

we talk for like an hour before he says he has to get back to making music, which i understand.

i finally hear lila come inside with way more bags of random things than i thought.

"woah i didnt know you were getting that much-" i say, helping her with the bags.

"yeah i got a bit carried away."

i start to help her unpack it but she quickly grabs my arm.

"i got it bil-"

"i wanna help"

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