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lila's pov

i fell asleep at eddies place, which makes me annoyed because i feel gross.

i move out from under him and accidentally wake him up.

"aw we fell asleep! we could've gone at least four more rounds." he winks.


he's hot when he's fucking me, but just the fact he's so obsessed with it, and his onlyfans, it's all just ew.

"yeah haha-" i give a weak laugh.

"where are you going?" he asks, sitting up. he notices how i'm quickly putting on clothes.

"i need to get home to get ready for a party tonight," i check my phone, "and shit, it's in four hours."

"you need more than four hours to get ready?" he yawns, "and what party?"

"it's hard for girls man!" i chuckle before i realize he's waiting for me to answer the second half of the question. "oh, uh, it's my friend lacy's party."

"should i pull up?" he says, stretching out.

"if you want, it's gonna be like only girls though." i lie. i just want a night without him.

"oh word? well want me to drive you home?"

"that would be great babe."

he smiles and gets dressed alongside me. i grab my almost dead phone and get into his car.

"you know where i live right?" i say, buckling in.

"you live with your friend billie right?"


"then yeah, i always see you there on your location." he laughs.

"ok stalker." i giggle.

he smiles and rubs my thigh while keeping one hand on the wheel, just like billie used to.

god i need to get her out my mind.

he's playing sex music on the radio and my eyes pick up a bunch of condoms and half-condom wrappers around the car.

that's fucking disgusting

finally, we get to billie's house and he lets me off.

"bye baby!" he yells, before blasting his music and speeding off.

i look like a complete hooker. i'm holding my heels, my hair is messed up and my makeup is smudged. i probably smell like sex, and i hope i don't have any leftover coke on my nose.

i walk into billie's house and thankfully see nobody in the kitchen. i quickly get upstairs to my room and right as i began to change, billie walks in.

"hey," she knocks on the open door with her knuckle, "oh shit, sorry." she quickly looks away.

"no, it's fine." i quickly pull my tight shirt back up.

she looks back at me concerned.

"where were you last night? i was blowing up your phone."

that's weird, i didn't see any notifications or anything from her.

"i was at eddies, sorry."

she purses her lips.

"you worried me."

"i know, im sorry."

she walks over to my bed and sniffs the air a bit.

"oh my god, did you guys fuck?" she laughs, but i can see the hint of jealousy in her eyes.

"fuck off oh my gosh." i push her away from me.

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