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a/n.. i'm so sorry for the wait holy shit. didn't realize i could procrastinate so much.
anyway 2k+ reads?? holy shit ily

billie's pov

is it too soon? we've only really known eachother for a year, dating for much less. you know what?

"yes, take my card, quickly-" i say, pulling out my wallet.

the man smiles and runs my card through before handing me a bag with the ring box inside.

he gives me my card back and leans over the counter with a smirk

"she's a lucky girl," he whispers, his eyes moving to the corner where i can see lila looking around the mall.

"thank you-" i say, quickly moving away from the counter. i dodge lila's view and i run to the bathroom where i said i'd be and lock myself into a stall.

i quickly think about how to hide the ring from lila once i see her again

i throw the paper bag on the floor and shove the ring box into one of my many pockets on my pants. seconds later, i hear the door open.

"bil?" lila's voice asks.

"hi love," i say back from the stall.

"are you okay? you've been in here awhile."

"i'm fine, just got distracted on tiktok."

"okay, i'm going to ulta, meet me there?"

"wait," i walk out of the stall and smile at her, "we can go now."

"okay bil," she smiles at me as we make our way to the store.

the lights in this mall are much more blinding than they usually are. i close my eyes and hold onto lila's hand so i don't have to see them.

the noise of people talking is really loud too. it's all i can focus on.

me and lila finally make our way to the store and she immediately runs to the mascara section to see if her favorite is back in stock. she smiles when she sees it is and picks it off the shelf.

as she walks around all i can think about is how i'm gonna follow through with the proposal. do i wait a month, a week, a day?

i don't get why im stressing so hard about this. i love her, she loves me, are we in the same page here?


"hm?" i realize i was staring into space.

"you alright?"

"yes im okay, im just really like, i don't know."

"do you want to leave?"

"no, no you wanted to go shopping-"

i try to walk and i start to stumble. my vision gets blurry and i grab onto lila.

"billie? billie?!"

"lila i don't know what's happening-"


"someone call 911!"


i wake up on the floor of the store. there's a crowd of people surrounding me and i quickly sit up but i get so dizzy and fall back to the ground.

i open my eyes and quickly close them from the light. what the fuck is happening?

"billie? correct?" i hear someone above me ask.

"mhm" i groan.

"how do you feel?"

"like the lights are too bright, and im lightheaded."

i wish i never met you | b.e.Where stories live. Discover now