Chapter Two: A Dream?

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So much pain!

Am I dead?

Daniel cracked his eyes open slowly as he groaned, taking in his environment. He immediately began shivering in fear after remembering what had happened, his pupils dilating as he saw himself still lying in the woods. He could see the brown glowing eyes of the Lycanthrope glaring at him, its claws ready to bear down on him.

"Don't kill me!" he yelled in fear as he broke down in fear. "Don't kill me!"

"It's okay," a feminine voice said, warm arms wrapping around him. Slowly he recovered from his trauma and didn't see the Lycanthrope anymore. He then realized that he was no longer in Crimson Woods but was in his own room. He realized that he was shivering at a corner on his bed, his mother's arms wrapped around him in a comforting manner. There were two cops standing in front of them, both dressed in starchy grey uniform.

"It's alright, son," Mrs. Stark, his mother said as she stared into his eyes with her brown comforting eyes. At one glance you would notice the striking resemblance between Daniel and Mrs. Stark. Both of them had the same brown eyes which seemed comforting, brown curly hairs as brown as nutmeg and narrow lips.

Daniel who was very much frightened calmed down after realizing where he was and after hearing his mother's voice. But that didn't stop his heart from beating fast. He had been in the woods some moments ago, scratched by a Lycanthrope but now he was in his room on 17th Woodbury, the street his house was located at. How did he get to his room? How did he survive the creepy woods with demonic creatures roaming about?

Thinking about all these, Daniel couldn't help but feel very frightened as his eyes moved from Mrs. Stark to the two cops who were standing before them, his expression becoming dazed.

One of the cops who had a grey hair and grey eyes coughed as he said, "We happened to pass by and saw you lying unconscious in the woods. Luckily for you, we were chasing some criminals who had run into the Crimson Woods."

He paused and looked at his colleague who was bald and had an ugly face. He then moved his eyes to Daniel and asked, "Can you recount what happened?"

At this point Daniel shouted, "It was the bullies! They chased me into the woods! I saw them! I saw dead bodies and skeletons! The wolf creature, it bit me!"

"Lycanthrope?" the bald and ugly cop asked Daniel in a comforting manner. Daniel calmed down after hearing the question. He felt that the other party knew about the matter.

"Yes, it was a Lycanthrope!" Daniel shouted in fear. "It scratched my right chest and I fell unconscious! When I woke up I was beaten by those four bullies again!"

"You were scratched by a Lycanthrope and beaten by four bullies?" the grey haired cop asked, finding the whole story unbelievable. He even began feeling that the kid had become delusional from fear. When they had arrived at the scene, they saw a wolf hurriedly scamper from his side. Obviously he had seen a wolf and fainted. No one had ever scratched or beaten him.

"Yes," Daniel replied, his body still shivering. "I was scratched by a Lycanthrope in the right chest."

The bald and ugly cop calmly looked at his colleague before looking at Daniel. Then he said, "Show us the mark. There should be claw marks."

Daniel didn't argue as he pulled his shirt up, revealing the region around his right chest. He saw the eyes of Mrs. Stark and the cops narrow before they stared at him with concern. They've seen the claw marks, right? he was relieved that they knew the truth now.

"What's your name?" the grey haired cop asked calmly.

"Daniel," Daniel replied as he still held his shirt without looking down at his body.

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