Chapter Thirty Five: Creepy!

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On this particular Saturday morning Daniel was riding his bicycle across the streets in Crimson Springs. He was using this medium to relieve himself. He had been so much of a workaholic lately.

The sun wasn't blazing today and was hidden behind several grey clouds that spread across the sky like draperies. The atmosphere was somehow cold and the air damp, a chilly wind blowing across everywhere. It was a sign that it was going to rain.

Daniel was still pedalling his bicycle when he decided to take a cut through an alley. He had never been there before and wanted to satisfy his curiosity. He turned his bicycle and wheeled into the alley. Immediately he got into the alley he felt the temperature drop instantly. The temperature drop was so drastic that Daniel began shivering. It was as if it was winter down here.

This place seems off, Daniel thought as his brown eyes narrowed. As a Werewolf he had acute senses and was able to perceive that there was something wrong down here. Immediately he had entered into the alley he felt that he had been completely detached from the outside world. Although he wasn't really frightened goose pimples appeared all over his body, his hairs standing stiff like thorns.

"This place is so wrong," Daniel muttered to himself as he looked around him. Everywhere was so quiet with no sign of life. It was so deathly down here and creepy like a graveyard. There was not the slightest noise.

In front of him was a sewer entrance, the metallic door firmly closed. Even though he was standing several meters from the sewer he could feel an ominous presence there. It was as if something evil was rearing its head there. On a normal day Daniel would have turned and ran away but he didn't. His curiosity grew bigger and bigger that he was greatly compelled to enter into the sewer.

He parked his bicycle beside the wall which was very old and covered with cracks and moss. He even feared that the wall would collapse if he didn't park the bicycle gently.

"I must see what's behind there. If it's something evil I'll immediately tell the cops," Daniel told himself as he advanced towards the sewer. He reached out his left hand and with a single pull the door came off its hinges. He then walked into the sewer.

The temperature here dropped even more low that Daniel's teeth began chattering. There was frost on both walls of the sewer and on the surface of the crimson liquid on the ground. He sniffed and knew what the crimson liquid was.

"Blood!" he blurted out as the reality dawned on him. Once he had chanced upon some mercenaries who had tried to kidnap him. There were also several cases of kidnapping and the journalists had published several articles about them. These kidnappings were linked to cases of blood ritual. This place was a haven for blood ritual!

He looked around and saw that some hair strands were growing through the frost on the walls. There were also bits of dry flesh hanging from the strands.

This isn't what I'm thinking, Daniel calmed himself as he looked closely in order to see what lay behind the frost on the walls. First he saw something that looked like a dismembered human head. No, it was a head but several heads! Then he saw several eyeballs, tongues and ears. There were other body parts like hands, legs and genital organs!

"This bad!" Daniel shivered. Although he was a Werewolf and wasn't supposed to feel fear he was greatly terrified. This place had the aura of evil and corruption. This wasn't what boldness would help him against. It was at that time his curiosity left him. He had to escape quickly.

Immediately he made that decision the frost on the walls melted to reveal everything that was behind clearly. The eyeballs which were pinned to the wall all regained their luster as they stared at Daniel, their appearance becoming bloodshot.

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