Chapter Thirty Four: Abyss Cult

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The guard walked towards the dying flames of yellow fire, his grin becoming wider. He was obviously gloating over Viscount Dwayne's death. The Viscount who had been said to be a Lycanthrope hunter was now dead. He couldn't even face off a Wolfman despite killing so many. That was pathetic and weak.

He could smell the burning materials in the flames, his eyes shining in delight. He tried sniffing out the Viscount and smiled he caught his scent. But then strangely, he didn't catch any whiff of burnt or charred person. Strange.

He pricked up his ears to listen to any minute sound but there was none. Except for the crackling of the yellow flames, there was no sound. Strange again. Someone was not charred by the blazing flames and yet he was not moving. There was not even the slightest sound of heartbeat.

He was a meter near the flames of fire when he saw someone leap out towards him, his fingers spreading into powerful claws. His eyes narrowed in shock as he knew who the person was. It was known other than Viscount Dwayne whom he had thought to be dead. He tried moving to the right to evade the Viscount's powerful claws but it was too late. Something slashed at his neck, making his skin to feel cold. He could feel a metallic cold sensation spread across his skin.

Metal, he thought as he stared at the Viscount's mocking face. He raised his hands to his neck and clutched his throat in order to prevent blood from seeping out, a great pain seizing that region.

"How...?" he muttered as blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain, escaping through the gaps in his fingers.

"Mystical items," Viscount Dwayne smiled as he raised up his right hand, displaying a metallic glove with claws.

So that's how he got through my fur, the guard thought as he fell to the ground with a loud thud. The metallic glove was the last thing he saw.

Viscount Dwayne tucked the metallic glove away into his pocket as he sighed, "Too bad I've wasted my other mystical item."

When the two fangs had exploded he had immediately shattered a glass orb in his pocket. It was a mystical item capable of creating a protective energy dome around the user. It could also perfectly block out the minutest sound from the user. Hence, the guard had not been able to hear any sound from him.

Viscount Dwayne rubbed his right hand as he stared at the other part of the hall where Viscount Luther and another guard were fighting. Hmmm, he has mystical items as well.

He didn't bother about Luther as he knew he could handle the guard by himself and walked towards the exit of the meeting hall. Everywhere had been so reduced to rubbles that it didn't seem like the magnificent hall they had arrived in.

Meanwhile Viscount Luther was still fighting the guard with the bottle silently hidden. He had to create a perfect chance to use it.

The guard was oblivious to the bottle and kept on fighting the Viscount, ejecting bony spikes at him. Half of the whole hall soon became riddled with big spikes which caused the ground, pillars and walls to shatter.

Viscount Luther saw the guard move five meters close to him and was about to slash him with a bony spike. He decided to seize this chance.

Now! he yelled inwardly as he leaped towards the guard with the bottle in his right hand. With a great strength he punched at the guard.

The guard who didn't suspect anything allowed himself to be hit by the Viscount. He watched his long bone stab the Viscount's hand, bursting out of his elbow.

"Ah!" Viscount Luther yelled and quickly pulled back his hand, blood gushing out in frenzy. A purple smoke covered his entire arm and spread towards the guard who had begun to smile. This was the perfect chance.

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