Chapter Twelve: Reprehended

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Rodolfo Manor

The manor was dark and creepy, all the lamps within it turned off. The tall trees seemed to be painted in grotesque shades of grey, their shades extending like arms to the surrounding. Bats could be seen around the manor, proactive in the darkness. Some of them were flying about while some were hanging upside down on trees, observing the surrounding silently. Occasionally one would see shadows flash past the darkest parts of the manor, disappearing as if they never appeared. Moreover there were strange sounds coming from all parts of the manor. Sometimes one would hear the sound of people screaming, a monster growling or howling, an owl hooting and a ghost shrieking. It gave one the creeps.

This was the Rodolfo Manor where all members of the Rodolfo family resided. The Rodolfo family wasn't a big extended family with its very sparse family members which could be counted with both of your hands so it was normal all of them lived together in this manor without feeling clogged up or something.

The manor building stood deep in the manor, overlooking the lawns, gardens and swimming. It was made of red bricks but due to the eerieness of the surrounding it seemed to be also covered in a thin fog which gave the manor building an undescribable sense of creepiness. It was as if one was staring at a haunted house.

Orpheus approached the manor silently under the darkness, his eyes darting here and there as he moved. He was trying as much as possible to avoid the security guards stationed within the manor. He had always secretly left the manor and returned without anyone noticing and preferred it remained that way. He didn't want the guards to catch him and then send him to his father, Viscount Luther for questioning.

He entered into the manor, running along a lawn as quickly as he could to hide behind a tree. Although the guards were all just Vampires like him, he didn't dare to be careless. These guards were way more experienced than him and it wouldn't take them a long period of time to notice him. Like he always did in the night, he took out a bottle from his pocket and opened it. This bottle contained a potion which could hide the scent of someone, enabling the person to escape the strong smelling abilities of Vampires.

"After today I won't dare to step my leg out of the manor again," he told himself as he smeared the potion on himself. A blue gas was emitted from the potion, bearing a sweet fragrance which drilled into his nostrils. Due to his high sense of smell this made his nose to itch and he almost sneezed. Thankfully he covered his nose and mouth in time as he surveyed his surrounding.

Two Vampire guards were walking in his direction, both of them dressed in black leather trenchcoats and a pair of trousers and combat boots. They had red hats propped up against their heads, their red eyes glowing in the darkness. Revolvers were strapped to their sides, ready to be used anytime.

Orpheus recognized the two Vampire guards. They were Vlad and Diego. He could see there appearances from the darkness. Vlad had a long face while Diego had a round fade. As for the eyes and hair colour, a great population of Crimsones were known for having red hairs an eyes. Crimsones had two colours of hair an eyes only and they were black and red. No Crimsone would have another hair or eye colour apart from these.

"The night seems cold today," Vlad complains as he rubbed his hands. "I can't seem to survive this cold. It's seeping into my veins and bones."

Diego stared at him for some moments before saying, "You always complain like those weak humans. You're superior to them in terms of physical condition so the cold shouldn't be anything."

"Oh," Vlad seemed to realize something. "I forgot I'm a Crimsone."

Diego couldn't help but shoot him a scowl as he said, "Don't me that mingling with those bunch of homo sapiens has affected your thinking ability."

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