Chapter Thirty Three: Fighting

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The two guards stopped some meters away from Dwayne and Luther, their smiles becoming menacing as if they were seeing the two viscounts as nothing. By now the surviving viscounts were now peeing on themselves. Some had even fainted out of fear. It wasn't easy seeing several people like you being massacred in a day. It was enough to drive trauma into their hearts.

Without saying anything the two guards attacked Viscount Dwayne and Viscount Luther, each of them going for each of the viscounts. They even smiled at each other as if they were betting on who would kill the viscount he was rushing towards quickly.


The guard rushing towards Viscount Dwayne suddenly flung his right hand towards his face.

Wolfman, Viscount Dwayne observed as the fist approached. Although it was moving faster than the eyes of even some Path two Cursed could capture, he was able to see the fist. It wasn't too slow or too fast and was just normal in his eyes. He had trained himself in every possible way as a Lycanthrope hunter to match against Wolfmen. So this guard's speed or strength wouldn't be a problem for him.

Dwayne sharply half turned himself, allowing the fist to move past his face. He then calmly grabbed the guard's right hand. Even though the guard was a Wolfman and had strength on his side, he hadn't learnt martial arts so he was nothing to Viscount Dwayne who had trained for years to become a Lycanthrope slayer.

Viscount Dwayne was about to turn the guard's hand and break it when it suddenly expanded and assumed the appearance of a wolf's.

"You low life!" the guard bellowed, his smile vanishing as he swung his right hand at another direction. His movement caused Viscount Dwayne who was still holding to his right hand to be tossed with a great force into the air.


He slammed into several wooden seats before crashing to the ground. The seats were all broken to pieces from the collision.

"Cough!" he coughed a mouthful of blood before wiping it with the back of his left hand as he rolled over and stood up. Although his back had almost broken some seconds ago and he was suffering from a great pain, he withstood the whole thing as if he wasn't the one who just crashed through several seats now.

"Impressive how you can survive that fall," the guard said with a deep voice. "Many of your kind whom I swung in that manner didn't even get the chance to recover as they were reduced into bits of mangled flesh. I'd give it to your strong body and durability."

Viscount Dwayne clenched his fists as he said, "Your kind took away everything from me. I won't stop till I kill every last one of you."

"Hahahahaha!" the guard laughed hysterically as his left hand also transformed into a wolf's. "Let's see how you're going to do that!"

His expression immediately assumed an animalistic one as he ran towards Viscount Dwayne, claws snapping out of his paws. His legs also transformed, tearing through the pants he was wearing as they became wolf hind legs. Anywhere he trampled on would shatter instantly.

"Lemme see how you're gonna survive in my Wolfman form!"

The guard's teeth sank into his gums, four fangs appearing where his upper and lower canines used to be. His eyes assumes a brown glow, his ears becoming elongated. Although he wasn't in his Werewolf form, he wasn't far from one.


He waved his right arm at Viscount Dwayne's face, aiming to rip out his eyes. If the latter hadn't moved back in time his eyes would have been reduced into a bloody mess.

I can't allow this monster to win me! Viscount Dwayne thought within himself as he adjusted his center of gravity and dived into the air above the Wolfman before landing on his chest. Just as he landed he slapped the sides of the guard's face with his hardened palms and bounced away from the body of the guard.

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