Twenty Four: Full Moon in the Woods

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As Mrs. Stark left the room Daniel couldn't help but feel bad for what had just transpired. He had just brought himself to lie to his mother when in fact he should be telling the truth.

I'm just so stupid! Daniel almost hit himself with his phone. I was just this close to telling her! I bet she was even sympathizing with the Werewolves since they weren't really in their senses. I could see her expression. Why didn't I tell her then seeing that expression of hers?

But Daniel knew why he couldn't bring himself to tell her. She loved him greatly and that was the thing that got in the way of telling the truth. He had seen the alarm in her when he had lied about taking a serum. She had been so alarmed that she didn't even bother to think about the story at all—if it was genuine or not.

It's not all my fault for lying, Daniel replied. The severity of the matter can not be handled by now as of now. I didn't lie about the Walter and his bully friends part. At least they were the ones who chased me into Crimson Woods, pushing me to being initiated by that Lycanthrope and turned a Werewolf. Sigh, I don't know how long I can lie anymore.

Seeing that the surrounding was becoming darker due to the coming of night, Daniel quickly typed, "When is the next full moon?"

"Damn, you've been silent for more than thirty minutes now," Crying God typed.

"You've been keeping count?" Sexy Peacock asked.

"Daniel asked a question," Unknown typed, stopping the insulting that would follow after. She was the only one apart from Evil Buddha whom they would listen to. He couldn't help but feel self deprecating about the youngest member of the group chat having a kind of authority more than him.

"The next full moon is today actually," Crying God replied. "What do you need it for? To transform into a Werewolf?"

"That's what he needs it for," Evil Buddha typed.


Daniel was momentarily stunned. Was Evil Buddha crazy enough to reveal his secret as a Werewolf to the others?

"Haha!😄" Crazy God typed. It was obvious he was reeling with laughter. "If Crimson Wolf is a Werewolf then I'd better remain a virgin for the rest of my life."

Son? You should pick the words to use coz I'm really a Werewolf, Daniel sighed.

"Crimson Wolf isn't suitable to being a Werewolf 😐" Unknown typed. "He's not cool enough."

Only Sexy Peacock didn't say anything. Daniel felt she was just observing silently. But why didn't she say anything about it? He had waited for her dissing but he got none. He didn't think too much about it and heaved a sigh of relief. Thankfully no one believed him.

His phone beeped and he saw a pop-up message on his phone. It was from Evil Buddha.

"Easy, don't get so hard on yourself," the message had read.

"That's..." Daniel didn't finish his typing as he went into a deep thought. Evil Buddha had just revealed his identity and didn't in anyway get threatened. It seems the group chat members were all trustworthy after all.

"No one in this group will leak your identity as a Werewolf 🐈" Evil Buddha typed. "They are very good citizens of Crimson Springs."

Good citizens indeed, Daniel scoffed inwardly. I hope the government shares the same line of thought as you do.

"I think Crying God has corrupted you with his emoji," Daniel said.

"You mean this🐈?" Evil Buddha typed. "Well, that's by the way. The next full moon is tonight. You have to be prepared."

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