Chapter Thirteen: Into the Woods

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The alarm on Daniel's smartphone blared our when it clocked 7:00am, filling the whole room. The sound aroused Daniel from his sweet sleep, his eyes opening slowly. He reached his right hand to his smartphone and turned the alarm off and then closed his full brown eyes which had sleepiness in them. No one would disturb his sweet dream today. Not even the alarm on his phone.

He had been dreaming about Felicia earlier. In the dream he saw that Felicia confessed her love to him, taking his hands into hers. She then reached to kiss him, her full pink lips covering his narrow lips. She then lay her head on his chest and whispered to his right ear, "I love you so much Dan."

He had been so moved in the dream that he took the initiative to pull her head up, staring into her eyes as he made up his mind to kiss her back. It was at this moment of romance that the alarm rang, jolting him from his sweet dream.

Fuck that alarm, he cussed as he tried hard to sleep again. Maybe I'll see that dream again if I fall asleep.

"Meow," at that moment he heard Carolina meowing as she leaped onto the bed, walking towards him. Daniel hadn't opened his eyes when he felt something cold and sticky slide across his face, drooling it with wetness.


He opened his eyes only to see Caroline licking his face. He was expressionless as he was filled with so much emotion. This cat was so cute and adorable.

"Good morning, Caroline," he greeted with a warm smile. "You're awake."

Immediately he felt that Caroline replied, "Save your rambling for later, I need food."


He didn't know how to react. After being told by Evil Buddha that Werewolves would have the uncanny ability to somehow communicate with animals, he didn't have any doubts about his telepathic ability. He believed he could understand what Caroline was saying even though she was just meowing.

"That's a bad way to treat your elders," Daniel said as he got out of bed. "I believe you're not even one-year old."

"I am one-year old actually," Caroline meowed. "So you're wrong."

Daniel didn't argue any further as he believed this was a crazy scene. If anyone came by and saw him talking to a cat, it would confirm their guess that he was a psycho. He would no doubt be kicked into an asylum even though he protested.

Even though I protest? Daniel asked himself. Those bunch of atheists are gonna ask me to prove that I can actually understand what the cat is saying. How am I gonna prove that then? Solve some mathematical equations?

He dressed his bed and looked at his bedroom. It was very much neat and tidy as it was.

Pheeew, Daniel heaved a sigh of relief. He then turned to Caroline, "First things first. We're gonna take a bath!"

At that time he felt Caroline said, "That's actually gross. Never bathed before. It would spoil my golden fur."

"Who cares about your golden fur?" Daniel said as he dragged the cat against its will into the bathroom. Would it be considered cat abuse? Well, that was none of his business (and Caroline's business as well!).

Some minutes later he and Caroline came at dripping with water. He was tying a white towel around his slim waist which almost seemed skinny, his hands clasped around the angry looking Caroline whose golden fur had been matted by the wetness.

"It's all your stupid fault," he felt her complain. "Next time I'm gonna claw your dirty brown eyes!"

"If you do that, who's gonna give you dried mushrooms and milk, hm?" Daniel asked.

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