Chapter Six: Orpheus Rodolfo

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Orpheus walked along the dark street, his hands placed in his pockets. His pace was calm as if he owned the street and no thief would be able to turn up on him. He walked to a part of the street where street lights were lined, shining radiantly. The street lights illuminated his figure, exposing his looks and all.

Orpheus was a tall and slim 16-year old with taut muscles that gave him the bearing of a perfect gymnast. His hair was as red as blood, curly and long that it rested on his shoulders. His eyes were also red, hypnotic in nature with the ability to compel everyone they stare out to submit onto him. His face was extremely gorgeous like a model's, having a hint of feminity in it. It was the kind of face one couldn't get off his mind even after hours. Moreover he had the demeanor of a noble child, calm and composed. Dressed in a red pyjamas and a pair of red flipflops, he looked like a casual person walking about in his bedroom.

In reality his father, Luther Rodolfo was a well-known viscount in Moon City—a very powerful one at that. He owned a manor at a desolate part of the city where people rarely visited and this was where he lived.

It's so boring at that manor, Orpheus said as he walked past the street and took a turn to a very dark alley. Although it was dark, he could still see. Actually Orpheus was not a normal human being. In fact, he was not a human being at all. He was a Crimsone, a young Vampire[1]. Although everyone in the family were all Crimsones, they were not as powerful as his father, Luther Rodolfo. He was actually a Crimsone Viscount[2], a rank among Crimsones. He had gotten this rank at a very young age and to this day he maintained that rank. Orpheus couldn't help but worry why he hadn't advanced yet.

"Life at the manor is very boring," Orpheus said as he picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it into the air, hitting an empty can. He couldn't help but shrug at the feeling of returning to the manor.

This night he had snuck out of the manor to the streets to catch some fun. Being locked up in a manor was extremely boring. The only moment he left the manor was when he was going to school. When he was back from school, he was always in the manor. Viscount Luther never allowed his only son to move out of the manor because he felt he needed to be protected from humans and other Crimsones with bad intentions.

"Being an only son is extremely difficult," Orpheus said as he took another bend, exiting the alley. "I have to be watched by those puny guards and attended to by the maids. And to think all of them are all Crimsones make me sick. I need to interact with humans!"

He then remembered that he usually went to school and interacted with humans. Well, he didn't actually have any close ties with any of the humans around as he felt they were all inferior to him. He believed Crimsones were superior beings and needed to maintain a superior bearing. Well, the reason for his superiority complex was him being a noble child who was always addressed as Lord.

Lord Orpheus, he chuckled when he remembered how his classmates addressed him just to gain favour from him or have a chance to be with him (this pertained to the girls). They're so inferior and weak when compared to me.

He was still having thoughts about how weak humans were when he remembered the tales his father told him about Crimsone Hunters. They were all humans trained to the core to hunt Crimsones. They possessed both natural and mystical weapons for killing Crimsones and did so with the utmost fervency. Thinking about those Crimsone Hunters, he couldn't help but cringe inwardly. What if he met them right now? What was he going to do? Scream, Daddy?

Nonsense, Orpheus shrugged as he continued walking. Why would those Crimsone Hunters hunt a law abiding and harmless Crimsone as me? It's not like I or my family have committed any crime.

Truly, the Rodolfo family were very law-abiding Crimsones who lived in Moon City. They hid their identities as normal humans and lived their daily lives interacting with humans. They were all amiable and cheerful, establishing several connections with humans and making close friends. Although Crimsones couldn't do without feeding on blood, they didn't rashly kill ahh human and suck their blood. Rather they would buy huge amounts of blood from hospitals and place them in wine bottles. There was a large wine cellar filled with bottles of blood and wine for drinking. Although the Rodolfo family didn't always eat human food, they always kept them at home just in case a human turns by. Also from time to time members of the Rodolfo family would eat human food from time to time just feel how being a human is. Orpheus was not an exemption.

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