Chapter Forty Four: Gory Experiment

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The lair was filled with corpses, the whole floor littered with bits of flesh and black blood which were already dried lumps. An unbearable stench wafted the atmosphere, causing every sane person to turn sick. In the middle of the lair was a very young child stripped naked and hung by chains fettered to his hands and legs. He was suspended in the air between the ceiling dripping with an unknown liquid and the floor littered with corpses.

A man stood before the child, his hands fiddling with the silvery needles on top of a wooden desk. The needles were of varying sizes and lengths, the longest being as long as an average adult's arm.

"I need to get through with this experiment," he muttered to himself as he took one of the needles and walked towards the child.

Seeing him approaching, the child began crying as he struggled to break free from the chains but his efforts were fruitless. He could only fearfully await his doom.

The corpses in the lair all belonged to the children who had been kidnapped all over Moon City and Crimson Springs. They had been brought in one after the other by the man for a gory experiment which had failed continuously. This man was a member of the Abyss Cult and went by the name Marcus. He was a Stage Magician tasked by the head of the Abyss Cult to create a powerful army for the organization. If he succeeded he would granted a weapon which would give him Path five level luck.

"I need to make sure this one's a success," Marcus said, his blue eyes shining with excitement as he stopped in front of the child.

"Please don't kill me!" the child wriggled as tears streamed down his eyes. A great sense of fear seized him as he knew what awaited him.

"Sshh," Marcus placed his right index finger over his lips. "You don't have to shout or you'll ruin my experiment."

Gently he placed the needle against the child's right eye and pushed it slowly into it. The child released an ear-piercing wail as blood streamed down from his eye. His cries fell on deaf ears as Marcus proceeded to take another needle with which he ran the child's other eye through with.

"Easy child, everything's gonna be alright soon," Marcus smiled sinisterly as he caressed the boy's face. "It's just a matter of time before you're received by our Lord."

He took another needle and pushed it against the child's forehead, a stream of blood rushing out as well.


Marcus cast a spell to dull the pain the child was passing through so that he would not pass out or die during the experiment. Everything had to be successful this time or the Ma'am would be angry with him.

Ma'am was the title of the head of the Abyss Cult. None of the cult's members had ever seen her true face except for her red glossy lips and blonde fingers which showed she was a blonde. It was rumoured that Ma'am was a Path five Cursed of the Witch Cursed type—a Cursed Path without weakness.

"I need to succeed," Marcus muttered to himself as he proceeded to pierce the child's body with more needles. Some stabbed through his arms, bursting through the other side while some were weaved through his legs. It was such a bloody scene. Due to the spell, the child felt little pain and so he didn't pass out.

"If I succeed with this experiment, I'll create a very powerful army for the Abyss Cult," Marcus told himself. "Then we'll attack the whole world and perform the ritual to summon the Lord into the world!"

He then laughed like a psychopath as he began drawing runes on the child's body. These runes were drawn using the rotten corpses littered on the floor. He even picked a squirming maggot from one of the corpses and smeared it in the eyes of the child.

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