Chapter Fifteen: The Reality

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My body hurts so badly!

Daniel groaned as he struggled to sit up, his right hand reaching to rub his temples gently. He was having a splitting headache right now that seemed his skull would be torn asunder.

"I won't have to wake up this early if today wasn't Sunday," Daniel groaned painfully as he felt his temperature by touching his neck with his left hand. He was scorching hot as if he just came back from a picnic in the sun.

My temperature is high, he sighed inwardly as he struggled to stand up only to realize one thing. He was naked! This left him in a state of severe shock. How the hell was he naked when he slept with his clothes?!

"What the hell happened?" he asked himself as he took a deep breathe, mustering all the strength left in him to stand up. It was at that time he saw the situation of the room. His eyes couldn't help but narrow in panic as his heart began palpitating. The glass window was broken, there were shreds of his clothes on the ground and the whole bed was dyed in a crimson liquid which he knew to be blood.

Daniel held his head and tried to recall what had happened last night. His whole memory was hazy and he was finding it difficult to remember anything. This made his head to have a buzzing sensation which made him to become dizzy. He had to close his eyes to lessen the effects.

What really happened last night? he asked himself as he tried to piece bits of memory together. I was planning to read and then I saw the full moon. My body experienced an undescribable pain as I began transforming into some sort of monster. My nails grew long and my entire body was covered in fur. My size seemed to increase and then my bones seemed as if they were been ground with a grinding machine.

"Wait a minute," Daniel told himself as he reined in his emotions. "I've become a Werewolf? I've passed through the transformation? That was a hellish torment I passed through."

He opened his eyes, his condition becoming better. He then began thinking why there was blood on the bed or why the glass window had broken. He knew those weren't just any random stuff as he believed he had actually transformed into a Werewolf last night.

"I need to remember everything," he said to himself. And then the memory began flooding his head, bit by bit. Recalling the memory, he couldn't help but become frenzied. That night he had transformed into a Werewolf and dashed out of the house through the glass window. He had ran across the streets into one of the woods around. He had seen a man sitting by a bonfire and had attacked him. In the end he had mauled the man, devouring him in rage.

Wait, wait, Daniel staggered backward at the realization of what had actually happened. All these things had happened last night and he had thought he was dreaming. He was in a trance when all these happened and didn't know that they were real. And now the reality was clear: he had killed a hunter. That was the saddest thing he had experienced in his life. It wasn't just sadness but guilt. He had taken an innocent human soul for no reason.

Tears welled up in Daniel's eyes as his legs became weak. If not for the wall behind him, he would have directly collapsed to the ground. His heart was very heavy at the realization of what he had done last night. In his first transformation, he had killed someone. That hunter was definitely someone's son, husband, brother or even father. Yet, he had killed the poor man that night.

"I...I am a murderer," Daniel soon began sobbing as he fell on his kneels. "I've killed someone."

He tried remembering the person's face but could not as the appearance was hazy in his memory. At least he should know who he killed even though the guilty weighed him down.

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