Chapter Twenty Two: The Church

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"I wanna know more about Werewolves," Daniel typed in the Curious Mythologists group chat. It was evening and he was in bed with Caroline who was staring at the phone's screen, clueless about what he was doing. The moon wasn't yet in the pale red sky and birds could be heard chirping about as they flew back into their nests.

"Why though?" Crying God was the first to quickly reply. It was as if he had been waiting for Daniel to ask this question.

It seems like you're obsessed with me, Daniel couldn't help but shrug as he wanted to type, "I wasn't talking to you," but Sexy Peacock was faster.

"I don't think Crimson Wolf was referring to you. If he was then it mean your IQ has gone higher than a goat's."

"Why do you keep mentioning goats?" Crying God asked. "What did those poor creatures do to you? Did a goat outsmart you in a puzzle game?"

Daniel almost did a facepalm as he knew what was coming next. He didn't know why Crying God and Sexy Peacock always got into arguments. They were like cats and dogs.

"I think Daniel asked a question 👈" Unknown quickly sent the message before the trivial insults developed into a heated argument. It had happened before and when it did they only stopped insulting each other after three hours, and that was when their batteries went dead. No one wanted the incident to repeat itself in Curious Mythologists. It was a total waste of time.

"What was the question again?" Evil Buddha asked. He loved typing as if he was having a chat with you face-to-face—it was as if he couldn't read the previous message Daniel had sent.

"I want to know more about Werewolves," Daniel typed.

"I thought you know much about them?" Sexy Peacock asked. She wasn't being sarcastic this time.

"I don't know about the ones in real life," Daniel said. "I only know little about them from what Evil Buddha told us."

And I'm one of them, Daniel added inwardly as he waited for the chat to develope into an interesting one like it always does.

"The Lycanthrope Cursed?" Crying God was a fast learner, just like all of them. "I got several incidents from those damn Cursed last week. It's said people were mauled by them."

"How did you get the news?" Daniel asked. He knew the cops wouldn't rashly tell the public about what really happened. They would rather say that rabid creatures were attacking people in the woods instead of mentioning Lycanthropes. This was done to make the people less agitated.

"I have my source 🐈" Crying God replied. "One Lycanthrope even attacked a hunter in the woods. It's believed that he was at Path one, Cursed. This happened during the full moon which caused the transformations of several Werewolves."


Everyone was surprised. They could not help but feel that Crying God was knowledgeable at this point. Even Evil Buddha doubted this was Crying God.

"Hehe😄" Crying God typed. "Don't be shocked to see these damn Cursed in broad daylight."

"I'm so scared 😐" Unknown typed. "I hope I don't become the target of a Cursed."

"We all hope so," Sexy Peacock typed. "Sigh."

"Erm...about the Werewolves," Daniel typed. He was a little uncomfortable discussing the hideous things Werewolves did during the first full moon. This was because he was among those Werewolves. Even though they weren't in control of their actions, they still committed hideous crimes which sent fear in the hearts of the citizens of Crimson Springs. Everyone was afraid and vigilant right now even though most of the people didn't know the maulings were caused by Werewolves.

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