Chapter Sixteen: News

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Daniel welcomed his mother that morning. She was dressed in a baby blue nurse uniform, her face looking smart with the glasses she wore. She was very tired and couldn't help but collapse into the sofa.

"God, work was so tough those few days at the hospital," Mrs. Stark complained as she removed her shoes. "You can't believe there were so many casualties down there."

Daniel who was still weighed down by the guilt of killing someone was distracted at this moment. He wasn't even listening to his mother as she narrated her tiring ordeal at workplace. He was still about so many things at this point of time and it seemed he had even fallen into a trance.

What if the cops investigate everything and get clues? What if they discover corpse of that man at the woods and all clues point to me? Am I gonna be arrested and convicted for murder? Am I gonna spend my entire life in juvenile detention or jail? Am I gonna be charged to death by hanging?

Daniel's mind buzzed with so many thoughts, his heart palpitating once more. The sitting room was well ventilated but it suddenly became damp and stuffy for him. He couldn't even breathe again.

Mrs. Stark was very observant and noticed this change with her son. What's wrong with Dan? He looks afraid of something. Has he gotten into problems with the bullies again?

Daniel had always complained of Walter and his  gang of four mean looking bully friends. They always made life miserable for him at school. Mrs. Stark had taken the initiative to report the matter to Mrs. Pinmaker, the principal of Crimson High School. The lazy looking Principal didn't take any action and claimed Daniel was only being delusional. She was told that Walter was never a bully and so the case ended. But that didn't stop Daniel from complaining everyday. Some days he would even come home with injuries. So today as she saw him in this condition, she felt sorry for him. This was the love of a true mother.

Mrs. Stark remained silent for some minutes as she observed his facial expression. She then cleared her throat to bring him back to reality. She saw Daniel jolt out of whatever thoughts he was having as if he had been electrocuted.

"You don't seem okay, Dan," Mrs. Stark had a concerned look. This was her only son and her family right now in Crimson Springs. Her husband was away somewhere doing some crazy adventures while the other members of the extended family were all spread across the several cities of Canada. The only person she could reach to was Daniel.

Daniel quickly rubbed his eyes as he stammered, "I...I don't?"

Mrs. Stark could see that his eyes were puffy and moist, as if he had not slept all night and had been crying just now. What exactly happened to him?

"Did you encounter any problem when I was away?" Mrs. Stark asked. "If it's about Walter and his bully friends I will make sure to seal with them."

"Will anyone believe me if I come up with the case about Walter?" Daniel asked his mum. "They'd think I'm a bad kid who has the habit of lying and playing pranks."

"Dan..." Mrs. Stark had a concerned look. "You look as if you didn't sleep well."

She saw that too? Daniel began to feel unsafe with his mother's observation skills. Nothing could escape from her prying eyes. One day it was possible that she would suddenly know that he was a Lycanthrope (God forbid!).

"I have a chemistry test on Monday," Daniel lied. This was the only lie he could come up with at this moment.

Mrs. Stark kept quiet for some moments before saying, "You're always extremely bold when you're lying."


Daniel wore a blank expression as he mumbled under his breathe, "Are you gonna believe that I transformed into a Werewolf last night during full moon? Are you gonna believe I killed someone as well?"

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