Moving In

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Matt pulls the U-Haul into the apartment complex, trying to back it up into a parking spot taking up the least amount of parking spaces as possible. His new roommate, Kayla, pulls into the apartment shortly after and parks beside the truck.

The two had been friends since they were very young. They were neighbors, practically growing up together and going to school with each other. Matt was now 22 and Kayla was 19. Kayla still attended college, but had picked up a job and wanted to finally feel like an adult and move out of her parent's home. Matt already had a full time career and his own small 1 bedroom apartment, but with some consideration, and a little bit of begging from Kayla, the two finally found a 2 bedroom apartment within their budget and decided to move in with each other.

Matt hops out of the U-Haul, wearing khaki shorts and a black tshirt. He walks around the truck to greet Kayla. "You know, since a lot of this shit is yours, I should have made you drive the truck."

Kayla gets out of her car, wearing tight jeans and a white top. "What?! No way! I can barely even drive a car, I would've drove that thing off the road!"

Matt laughs. "Well, do you want to check out the inside of our new home?"

Kayla smiles and nods. "Let's do it, roomie!"

They walk up to the front door and Matt unlocks it. They enter the apartment, first being greeted by the living room.

"Oh wow!" Kayla says. "This living room is nice."

"Yeah, bigger than my old one." Matt says. "We might even be able to throw a party without being shoulder to shoulder."

They start to tour the bedrooms. They were both around the same size, both with walk in closets. The only difference between the two is one was a master bedroom with an attached bathroom, and the other had a bathroom right across the hall.

"Oo! I call the master bedroom!" Kayla declares.

"What? No I should get the master. I am the older one after all." Matt says.

Kayla pouts. "No! I need the extra space!"

"What extra space? Our rooms are the same size goofball!"

Kayla becomes a little flustered. "Yeah but, but, but the bathroom! I'm a lady so I deserve the private bathroom."

"Well," Matt starts. "I guess there's only one way to settle this..... rock paper scissors!"

Kayla rolls her eyes and smiles. "Yeah yeah, sure. Let's do it."

They both set up to play the game.

"Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!"

Matt played rock, and Kayla played paper.

"Hmm, best 2 out of 3." Matt says and Kayla nods.

"Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!"

Matt played scissors, and Kayla plays rock.

Kayla starts jumping up and down. "Yes! I got the room! Woohoo!" She starts dancing around, shaking her butt in Matt's direction.

Matt shakes his head and smiles. "Yeah yeah, congratulations. Now quit shaking your booty and let's start bringing some boxes in." He starts to head back outside.

Kayla sticks her tongue out at him. "Fine, loser!"

They begin carrying some smaller boxes with clothes and decor into the apartment. Matt picks up a box from the truck and reads the lettering on it. "Kayla's clothes. Guess I'll take these to her room." He carries the box into the apartment and takes them to Kayla's room. "Hey dork, I found a box of your bras and panties."

Kayla turns, blushing. "Hey! That's not what's in there! Shut up!" She takes the box from him.

Matt laughs. "Hahaha, yeah sure." He watches her set the box on the floor, bending over to open it and see what's inside. As she bends over, he gets a glimpse of her pink waistband peeking over her jeans. He sneaks behind her. "I think I found another pair too." He grabs her panties and pulls them up.

Kayla feels her panties being grabbed and pulled up her butt. "Ow! Hey stop that!" She reaches back to try to stop him from pulling on her black panties with pink trim. "What are you, 12??"

Matt laughs, letting go of her undies, leaving them bunched over her pants. "Haha. If I remember right, you got wedgied all through high school. I think it's about time I bring them back into style."

She gets flustered and blushes. "Yeah, well, you must've forgot I'm the master of payback!" She attempts to tackle Matt, trying to reach around him to find his underwear.

Matt laughs as he wrestles around with her. He grabs ahold of her undies again, pulling them up her back.

"Ow! Ow! Okay I give up! Let me go!" She cries out.

Matt laughs, giving a final tug before letting go. "Just like you to give up so easily. Now fix your underwear before everyone else gets here." He walks back outside.

Kayla huffs as she stuffs her panties back into her jeans. She quickly remembered how much Matt used to love wedging her and how much of an easy target she is. She finally adjusts her panties into their original position and starts trying to get stuff organized.

After not too long, some more friends arrived, helping them move bigger furniture into the apartment like beds, dressers, and couches. Once the truck was emptied, Matt closes the U-Haul.

"That seems to be everything. Kayla, you want to head back to the U-Haul place with me?"

She smiles and nods. "Sure!"

"Awesome. You guys can hang out here while we do that. I'll buy some pizza to thank you guys for helping us. Try getting the internet working while we're gone."

They nod and head back inside as the two roomies climb into the truck. Kayla looks at Matt and smiles. He may still be a bit of a bully, but she's happy to have her friend back in her life, and looking forward to living with him for at least the next year of their lease.

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