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Dwayne POV

"You don't want to send her off?" Elias asked on me

"Why would I?" I asked as I keep scrolling to my laptop

"You just left her last night and you wont even bother on sending her off? She's going to Philippines and you're st---"

"I'm not staying here for too long, since we all know that Luke is the culprit, the next target will be that Princess" I state as I change the topic

"You mean that Princess Celestine?" he asked and I just nodded

"Kaiden said that he will handle Luke and I will handle that brat" I replied to him

"How will you handle her? You know that Celestine is obsessed with you? Will you flirt with her while Mary is in Philippines?" He said that makes my head boiled

"Are you implying that I am cheating? Do you think I am serious with her? Tsk are you nuts?" I said again and then I close my laptop and put it on the side table

"Hayst, bahala ka na nga, I wont stop you but don't come to me if you had a problem with girls" he said and he just left me

My phone suddenly rang and I saw the caller ID. Its Kaiden. What now?

"Why?" I asked to him as I answer the phone

"Celestine is on the way to your house, I don't know what she's planning to do but you better get yourself ready" he said and he just hanged up

He just passed to me his own problem and then hanged up on me. What a freaking day!

After few minutes, someone suddenly knock on the door.

"Master Dwayne, Princess Celestine is here. She wants to speak with you" she said and I just sighted

"Let her come in" I stated and then go out of my bedroom and go down the stairs and I saw Celestine smiling at me widely

"What's your business here?" I asked and then sit to my sofa

"Well I'm here to spend my day with you" she said while smiling

"I'm not on mood to chitchat with---"

"Oh, come on, Dwayne. I know that woman isn't here anymore. She's just a toy meant to be played with, and besides, she's already taken her flight. So here I am, passing the time." she said and then she sit beside me and she put her hand on my lap as if she's seducing me

Oh well, this is the perfect time for me to take something from her and used against her. You better thank me Kaiden.

"You want to take her place here? Are you sure you wont regret it?" I asked as I caress her hair and saw her smiling seductively

"I wont, never" she said and go closer to me

Kaiden POV

"Explain yourself" I coldly state to him

"I know I can't hide it to you anymore" Luke said and he take a deep breath

"I just did it for fun" he answered that makes me irritate

"I know you didn't mean it. Tell me the truth, Luke. Is there someone pulling the string behind you?" I asked and he sighted again

"Fine I'll tell you beside, I'm always on your side" he said again

"If you always take my side, then why did you do that? Why do you want to kill me?" I asked again and he answered me seriously

"Your uncle want you to die, as you can see, he's the one who killed your parents and now he want you to be dead also" he said to me

Trapped By HimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon