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𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃
𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 10 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒐

It was the day of the festival, as promised.. Mikey will pick you up at six. You dressed your favorite pink yukata with wisteria patterns all over it.You decided to tie your hair in a low bun and applied a little bit of powder to your face then sprayed your favorite perfume.

After preparing, it's exactly six. You grabbed your money and slid it inside your yukata's pocket before heading downstairs.You saw your mom in the living room, watching tv as she just came back from her work.

"Mom I'm going out to the festival"you spoke.

She turned to you. "sure hon, do you have any money there?"

"uhm yep, tell dad I was out"

"okay, becareful"

You waved her goodbye before living the house. Sure your parents are kind and caring but they are strict of you having a boyfriend that's why you keep your relationship with Mikey to them. You knew they will be disappointed if they found out as they wanted to make sure you finished college before you get a boyfriend.

But unfortunately for you, you already have a boyfriend. Secretly.

You walked a few blocks away from your home where the usual spot that Mikey always waiting for you whenever he take you out.When you got there, he was already there. Waiting for you, he waved his hands to which you waved back and smiled as you approach him.

Mikey's eyes travelled to your appearance. Your cheeks turned a little bit red as his obsidian eyes stared at you up and down,

"You're beautiful"he spoke, his eyes said it other wise.

It was the fully reason why your cheeks turned very red. "T-thank y-you.. you look good too"

Mikey was wearing a green top and shorts, matching it with slippers.He still looked cute despite what he wear.

Mikey smiled."Thank you my love, hop on. Kenchin and Emma are waiting at the corner"

You nodded, you reach out for the helmet he handed you and wore it in your head.As you hopped on his bike, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he drove.

Draken brought his bike, and Emma was with him.It didn't even took long enough for the guys to drove to the location of the festival. How come they wouldn't when they are speeding at each other in the highway.

As soon as four of you got in the venue of the festival, takemitchi and Hinata are already there waiting for the four of you.

Even if the three guys deny it, you, Emma, and Hina are looking good at each other's yukata.

"So, where are we gonna go first?"you asked.

"lets roam around!I bet they have really good games here"emma suggested.

"sounds fun, wanna go try games with me takemitchi-kun?"hina turned to his boyfriend, to which takemitchi didn't down her invitation.

"y/n and I will go roaming"mikey took your hand.

"Okay, let's meet at the parking area after the fireworks at 9"emma dragged Draken with her to the crowd.

Hinata and takemitchi proceed to their destination and you and Mikey tried out some stalls.You brought chicken skewers while Mikey brought doriyaki and taiyaki.

As the two of you walked in the pathway of the festival, you saw a fish scooping game. You immediately run towards the game stall, dragging Mikey with you.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now